Apart from the fact that my uni issue remains unsolved (see
Well this is just...crap), I had a really bad day at work today.
Why is it that people consistently ask me where things are when they're standing right in front of the very thing they want? Today two people did this. One wanted shower gel (he was standing in front of it, and it was at eye-level), and the other wanted cream biscuits, which, if she'd just bothered to actually look, where on the shelf right next to her.
I'm not your personal shopper! I'm the produce wench in a TINY rural supermarket, and I have a list as long as I am to complete in two hours! I cannot follow you around the store with your basket and listen to you complain about your children in between debating the merits of heinz beans over spc!
*takes a deep breath*. Another day, another customer saved. All thanks to...StoreGirl!
If that's true, why do I feel all twitchy, lol?