[and i’m like|
[and all i hear is| Jack's Manequin- Dark Blue]
so. my mom, who was being a whore, no surprise there, called mrs. fucking brown (who i hate with all my heart) to check up on how i was doing. turns out that i'm 4th in the class. i'm pretty shocked. i wanna know who's 1st...but i guess the world will never know. i don't really wanna be valedoctorian (it would help if i could spell it). i'm fine with being 4th or 5th in the class (which is only 78 people. pathetic? i think so.), it doesn't matter. but i can just tell that my parents are gonna be all up in my grill with NYAHNYAH GO TO COLLEGE NYAHNYAH DO GOOD IN SCHOOL NYAHNYAH GET A FUCKING SCHOLARSHIP SO WE CAN STOP PAYING FOR YOU.
ugh. whatever. it's still too early for me to be thinking about college. honestly though, in another 2 years, i'll never see half of my grade again. EVER. a lot of them would probably go to different states and some even to different countries. i don't even know what to think anymore. i still have no idea what to do. isn't it too early for these goddamn questions?
gotta go.
poptarts are calling me.