Well it's been a week since my return to Chico, so I figure it's high time I get a good image post in here.
Yesterday had some great weather.
So Becky invited me along to participate in some sort of Art Walk event thing that was happening.
http://www.chicoartwalk.com/ And so we were off.
With trusty map in hand.
We drove downtown and then it was time for fooding...
...and I took pictures of people walking...
...and SUVs.
And jokingly artsy pictures of Becky that actually turned out really well.
Are you not in love with that skirt?
Pretty soon we finished up and then it was time for the art proper.
We found out to our great distress that the first four places we visited were all closed. And I thought it was supposed to be some sort of special event! So far, this doe snot bode well for the future of Becky/Tyler Art Walk 2007: Episode I.
We walked some more and encountered
Money sign door steps.
And outdoor art exhibits that you can't see because of the glare.
Which is a shame because some were pretty cool looking.
Like this one.
However! We eventually found places that were open and there was art...
...and Choco Spells...
...and nipples of witchy Venus.
That wasn't one of the art pieces on display, but it is still pretty cool.
Instead of doing Shakespeare in the Park, they are doing Shakespeare in the Plaza this year, so that explains this piece.
Then walking around town we discovered some awesome murals that had been put up around town in an effort to support recycling.
And they...
...are the cutest...
Eventually we stumbled across this nightclub/hipster hangout/ex-gay bar. And there was lots of art as well as some guy that is acting in a play with Becky right now playing his guitar on stage.
Blurry picture taken after we came in.
But then...
Japanese guy.
Art again!
Yet more art.
Same art as last time?
Art that was too dark to see without a flash.
There were Power Rangers also.
It was a great shock to me when I found out that the whole exhibit was by Maddi.
After devouring some of the tasty, tasty, fruit (perfect cherries) that was available Becky and I took our leave. The guy with the guitar narrated our departure in lyrical form.
After we left we found more of those murals!
And more outdoor art things.
Weird murals were painted on the top of some building somewhere.
Then we discovered some mysterious stone hands.
And cute pictures were taken.
But more walking shall commence.
Yet another place that was supposed to be open, but was closed. What an unfortunate last name.
At least they had cool stuff...
...in the windows.
Next stop? Some coffee shop place.
^I wonder how much that costs.
Becky and I took our coffee to the aforementioned Plaza Del Shakespeare
And they were setting up for some band the play. "The Swing Kings."
It was about now that we realized that Becky needed to get to the theatre because her call was coming up.
I snapped this bitch on my way back because it was a cool thing. It looked much cooler in motion though.
After Becky was done with her play she introduced me to her high school friend David and we went by this art gallery thing sometime around 11 PM, and it was some sort of weird Art Gallery/Rave thing. We didn't stay long. I stupidly forgot to bring my camera. Just pretend there are pictures of all kinds of crazy looking people wearing pretty much anything as long as it's not really supposed to be clothes.
It was a fun day and I got some excellent pictures out of it. I hope you guys all enjoyed the pictures, there was certainly no lack of them.
Also! If you like Brad Neely (Wizard People and George Washington guy) you are going to thank me for finding this little link.