Heee heee! I love 'em. But I can't read the japanese text because this laptop isn't equipped with japanese encoding (which is TOTALLY GAY thankyouverymuch).
I can't. I don't have a VZ licensed copy of winXP. And I still haven't reinstalled Office2K yet. The baka that installed it on my laptop didn't install everything. I guess the concept of "developer" was foreign to him. He was like 17 and totally on crack, dude. Serious -- he asked me for the same information like 5 times and every time he was like "oh yeah... fufufu". OK maybe not crack, but definitely not tobacco. (Yes, the situation incenses me :)
I don't need a whole IME, just enough of the language pack to view Japanese. I don't need to type it (unless I move to International Accounts or something)
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