After Japanese today, I made the comment that I didn't have myself to talk to when I took ECE 205. So in my head, I started to have a conversation with my 20 year old self about it. ( The transcript lies within. )
Yeah, it was fun. I should start writing a comic book with things like that in it. I got my Ling 306 done with the help of Doug (I even did the 20pt. extra credit one, poorly). So yay! Too bad I didn't study for my quiz which I am sure is coming.
I dunno what ECE is, but here's a conversation I had with myself earlier today:
Go get me a soda. You got legs! Fine! But I'm not sharing! I don't want your soda! Yes you do, you ate all the chips. No way, that was you. It was. You too. Get me a soda.
Comments 5
I got my Ling 306 done with the help of Doug (I even did the 20pt. extra credit one, poorly). So yay! Too bad I didn't study for my quiz which I am sure is coming.
Go get me a soda.
You got legs!
Fine! But I'm not sharing!
I don't want your soda!
Yes you do, you ate all the chips.
No way, that was you.
It was. You too.
Get me a soda.
So... did you get a soda?
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