"I never saved anything for the swim back."

Jan 06, 2005 20:42

Well well well... If it isn't Derek come back to share his deepest and darkest secrets with the entire world... Eh? Or could it be that he simply has nothing to do and the end part of Gattaca is not enough to entertain him (eventhough Gattaca is an excellent movie!)... Hmmm? I think perhaps the latter is a bit more feasible...

Let's see... October, eh? Has it really been that long? Well, I suppose I must apologize to all who check this journal on a regular basis. I havn't quite been the "Journal Friend" that everyone else seems to be. I truly am sorry. This entire year has been filled with eventful moments and unforgettable memories however none of them seem to pop up in my mind right now... perhaps later...

Alright, so the "Happy Holidays" time has come to pass. I received everything I asked for. Asking for one thing enhances my chances of receiving this one thing so long as the thing is not unreasonable. I feel bad about asking too much from my parents or anyone else. I usually buy what I want myself and feel satisfied with that. Gift giving somehow feels a bit foreign to me. I never know what to get people. I suppose I really aught to try a bit more though. There are certainly people whom I care about and really want to express my love for to but I always seem to push the gift giving thoughts to the back of my mind. I mean, if i'm with one of them and they would really like something and it won't kill me to purchase it then i'd be superhappy to do that for them. Oh well. I'll figure out something. Anyways, I got my Matrix Trilogy DVD boxset so i'm happy. Plus I got one of those giant tubs of sourpunch twists that you find at gas stations. I LOVE those things! I'm almost running out right now. Better ration them out...

And now the holiday season is over and everyone is winding down. Things certainly are winding down at work. We have a whole LOT of seasonal employees this year and right now we always have extra employees walking about. Macworld Expo is taking place in less than a week and everyone is excited about that. And with that note I will now transition into my SUPER AWESOME VACATION PLANS!

ON MONDAY MYSE... AHEM... On monday myself and my super-friend Jessica will drive up to San Francisco for a three day vacation of enormous funitude! The first day we'll drive up to our hotel which is in a town called Sunnyvale (Such a pleasant name, isn't it?) and then we will travel to nearby Cupertino for lunch at Apple. I'll be giving one of my old co-workers that was promoted a call when we get up there to see if he can have lunch with us. After that we'll have the rest of the day to play in the big city of San Franciscolio.

Second day is all about Macworld, baby! From 11am till whenever we get bored will be filled with all sorts of new products, fun games, and happy excitement! I'm not sure how long we'll be there since i've never been to one of these before. But I think there will be stuff to buy and it looks pretty big. Plus there's the gaming area which I will probably spend quite a bit of time at. But once that is done we will once again have the rest of the day available to do whatever we like. Most likely we will visit either Chinatown, Japantown, Golden Gate Bridge or all.

And finally the third day is completely unknown. So no one can say that i'm predictable! Yeah! We will at that time decide how we want to spend the day. Also, since I do not work the next day (and if we have enough moneys leftover) we may stay a fourth day. I think a cool way to spend the third or fourth day would be to go to Santa Cruz and visit the ocean a little.

So! That is it. That is all I have to say at this time. I will perhaps perform another update after the trip is over.

Thanks for reading through all the mess I had to say. Be sure to leave a comment regarding my post.

Your superfriend, Derek!
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