Hi _____
I just thought I'd write you back. I really like getting emails from people, especially from those I know and care about. How are you? I hope you've had a wonderful time in Japan. That ________ picture with the billboard of Ryu that you tagged me in was great! It made me laugh and smile. I really like how the culture seems over there, especially from where I'm standing. It seems so refined, and neat, and structured. Haha, qualities that I lack. I hope it's enriched your life.
What else to say? I'm sorry I didn't come to ____________, but... circumstances sometimes make talking to _____ difficult, especially my ___. Your ___ seems so jovial and content with ___ life. I'm jealous! I hope it isn't eight more years till we meet up again, but I suppose that's partly my responsibility. Attached is some music that I've enjoyed thoroughly. I must admit that beyond listening to the songs you've sent me a few times, I never explored the bands other works.
I think you're a beautiful talented individual.
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