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Jul 16, 2008 18:51 farfouillons dans les communities. En anglais, bien sûr. Avec pour guide l'interêt (je suis masochiste) "fic".

Entre autres choses moins intéressantes, j'ai trouvé une com' sur Berserk avec quelques chouettes fics (pas beaucoup, mais celle-là vaut le détour, mreowr. En plus, elle fait partie, apparemment, d'une série de trois.)

Et surtout, surtout, je suis arrivée sur cette com' Harry Potter : hp_darkfic_recs .
Woaw. les fics recommandées que j'ai lues... Franchement, elles sont géniales. Bon, faut aimer - c'est dark, c'est glauque, fuckin'kinky, mais on s'en fiche parce que ça vaut le détour, quoi. *__*
En particulier Nightingale. C'est du HarryDraco (et oui, je garde mes goûts de fangirl, ça fait trop longtemps que je bave sur ce pairing XD) et la caractérisation de Draco (au passé, donc ne vous laissez pas rebuter par les premières lignes, hein) est parfaite.
Il n'est pas le super prince blond super classe super doué en classe et en magie noire et tout et tout. Pas non plus un petit uke pleurnichard emo romantique. Il est puéril, égoïste, gâté, capricieux, et pourtant il est très attachant, avec son cynisme et ses piques vachardes - au passage, l'auteur a un humour qui m'a pliée de rire à plusieurs reprises.
Il y a des liens vers des illustrations semés dans le texte. Celle-ci et celle-là sont mes préférées, mais elles sont toutes belles.
Il y a aussi des citations chouettes, même si je ne reconnais pas tout. C'était super long, et j'ai adoré le lire, vraiment.
Mentions spéciales à ces passages :

"How are you feeling?" Ron asked.

"Perfectly heterosexual, thank you! I mean, fine!" Harry said, and stormed up the stairs to the dormitory.
"What I'm trying to say is, there's always a choice, isn't there? Like, even in the things that you think are made up for you before you even start."

"Well, of course," Malfoy said, "Destiny's just a name given to choices with dramatic consequences."
What is the saying? If you love something, set it free...if it returns to you, then it belongs to you forever. If it doesn't...

If it doesn't...

If it doesn't, break its legs and keep it anyway.

Et je ne devrais pas lire autant en anglais. Ca me fait écrire dans une langue que je ne maîtrise pas. >__>
So, please, si vous voyez des bourdes dans ce drabble, dites-le moi. TT__TT

"You don't love her !"
He does. Potter probably can't understand, but he does. And that's exactly why he loves Pansy - all those things Potter doesn't know of.
Because she's similar to him, in some ways - all the ways Potter can't be, no matter how much effort he puts into it. She understands everything, everything important, that is - family, bloodline, heirs and everything that is supposed to be - and she accepts. Potter never accepts. He calls it disgusting and unfair and wrong. It must be a part of the gryffindor stuff, Draco thinks, to just reject anything that doesn't fit with his stupid little dreams of a good and happy world.
Easy to reject when you're not the one concerned. After all, Potter doesn't have parents to deceive. (And the Weasels don't count, because, seriously, those people must have some kind of obsessive contrariness, feeling praised by every single thing that should insult an ancient wizard family.)
"Or you don't love me."
Draco doesn't answer that, either.
Seriously, if the idiot hasn't understood at least that part, there's no point in talking about anything. (Why there might be a point to begin with is beyond Draco but still, this is about Potter, and nothing ever makes sense around Potter.)
As annoying as he can be sometimes (well, most of the time's more accurate), that's also why he loves Potter. (And how gryffindor the word sounds beside this name. Eww.) Like, sometimes. When the idiot comes and stops arging to just kiss him and Draco's brain flies far, far away and then Potter argues again but Draco's just caught in the moment and doesn't pay attention to the details, those stupid little things that make all the differences in the real world. Because Potter doesn't ever pay any attention to them. He doesn't understand and doesn't accept and never will.
And that's why Draco lets him talk like this about his family and honour and everything. (And not because he's afraid or weaker than him or anything like that - really, if he could be dissuaded with such insignifiant things, he wouldn't have kept Harry Potter as a rival, ennemy or whatever he used to be for Draco.) It feels right, to be the one defending all those things, and he almost forgets that he ever wanted to throw it away and run like the little coward he is.
(To fuck him feels nice too, especially since he's the one doing things so he has the upper hand, for once. Even though he can't praise himself about it in public and it's getting a little frustrating. Oh, well, teasing Potter about it is already priceless anyway.)

rec, fandom: harry potter, english, fic

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