20 IshiHime icons <3

Dec 25, 2011 13:38

Done for the otp20in20 Icon Challenge~

01. Xmas Carols 02. Opposites 03. Hidden Text 04. Mistletoe 05. Handwritten

06. Longing 07. Pick-Up Line 08. In the Cards 09. Winter Stock 10. Ship Defining Moment

11. Kaleidoscope 12. Kaleidoscope 13. Kaleidoscope 14. Kaleidoscope 15. Kaleidoscope

16. Artist Choice 17. Artist Choice 18. Artist Choice 19. Artist Choice 20. Artist Choice

-Hidden Text: the text are "Chu Bura" lyrics (Bleach Opening), Noriaki Sugiyama (Ishida's VA) sung the cover of that song ;D
-Pick Up Line: in spanish x_D and yeah it's an embarrasing line that Uryuu would never say but I think he could think that if he could see that fine ass next to his face xDD (mexican slang to show admiration for a nice butt xDDD)
-I didn't color the Ishihime panels on icon #13. I couldn't find the author. If someone knows who colored those, please, say to me.
-I experimented with gifs :3
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