Nov 26, 2008 20:55
By this time, with all the corruption and self-serving government officials everywhere, I have already lost hope that the Philippines will be able to rise up from its current state of poverty and low quality of almost everything. But in the midst of the superfluous power and wealth that the political system offers here in the Philippines (through of course illegal and immoral ways), there stands a man in Naga city practicing “efficiency, credibility and compassion” as city mayor. Jesse Robredo during his six terms in office turned Naga city into a haven compared to its state when he first took over. Poverty decreased, more opportunities for employment were presented, and malnutrition and child death dropped. Almost everything was better and people admired him not only for his charisma and promises but also for pushing through with his plans.
I didn’t even know that it was possible, but I felt both hope and cynicism at the same time after watching the short clip. Hope in a sense that at least there are still a few men out there willing to genuinely help for the betterment of people but cynicism when I think that “What if this number stays the same?” Given that during the reign of Mayor Robredo, Naga city indeed flourished but when his 3 terms expired and another person took over, Naga city crumbled and needed him again to reestablish that which he had already built.
We need more Jesse Robredo’s in this country. This nation has a lot of potential but not enough good leaders to direct it.
Plan of action as students?
Be aware - Know the situation of the area you would like to help.
Be proactive - Help in whatever small way you can. Your initiative may cause and ignite a want to help in other people.
Be genuine - The sincerity in you will show in your actions. By being sincerely concerned, your actions will mean so much more than just mere charity.
To help is asked of us as human beings for it is just an act of passing forward the gifts bestowed on us and sharing it to our less fortunate brothers and sisters. When we finally master the art of being a true public servant, maybe another Jesse Robredo will materialize from us and inspire more Filipinos to do the same.
(Theology 141 Blog #2)