This is not going up in the main comm 'cause it's something I'm curious about just on a me-type basis. Also, I may be cross-posting it to my personal journal eventually. Is it sad that I trust you guys more than my own FL?
So I was going to write a big essay response to the FanLib controversy that's rockin' the internetwebs this week. ... and then that turned into a big long essay about roleplaying. And THAT became a realization that there is a lot about RPing that could be essayed about. Just sitting down and describing the differences between dice / diceless, hack n' slash / plot driven / character driven, and offline / online turned into a helluva chore. Which THEN became a general "screw it, I'm not spending my afternoon writing a multi-essay thesis on the ins and outs of roleplaying, both as an offline social activity and how it relates to fandom, and also why we have different rules than regular fandom, and also why aren't there any RP BNFs for the most part, and why isn't there a central RPG hub like there used to be back when I was in the Sailor Moon fandom?)
... yeah, I think too much.
Anyway. The point of all that is ... I thought of a different question! A much smaller question, which may mark me as being utterly insane just for asking it. Do you talk differently depending on which game you're in? Have you picked up new phrases / writing habits / emoticons or lost old ones? I don't mean writing formats, although that's certainly something else that varies from game to game. I think that any RPG worth its salt ends up being a microcosmic fandom / culture of its own, even moreso than your average fandom community. Having its own language kinda comes part and parcel with that.
For example, I've picked up some very bad habits from
campfuckudie. I-I don't remember exactly, FAIL. oh yeah EXCEPT I CAN DEFINITELY PIN THIS ONE ON BOX and the s-stammering on Zazzle and Juri's the first one I ever remember making the :> face at me okay
also there are bad irc habits
that I should break
but they're too much fun
and I don't remember seeing them in any of the other games I've been in.
Can anyone else pinpoint amusing, embarrassing, or otherwise interesting verbal tics that have resulted from a specific game? Are there any verbal tics you've picked up from CFUD in particular? It doesn't have to be silly things either, if there are less silly things that you can think of. It's just a lot more amusing to make :3 faces at each other.
-- oh right, having ticky boxes might help.
Poll RPG Linguistics 101 EDITED TO ADDDDDDuh: Oh yeah, I totally forgot about associating specific emoticons with certain people. We have an Excel face |D and an Aviy face >D and a Juri face :> so far. Anybody else?