Pointless Introduction. =D

Jan 24, 2007 22:14

But with art? Or a sketch at least. Topeless Ishida~ Seriously. The world needs more of that. :nods:

See? Fake cut and all.

Yep. I like Ishida. A lot. Bit hopelessly hooked on him actually. I art him. I icon him. Some day I'll actually manage to write him in a way that doesn't completely suck. =P

And I'll have him rescue Ichigo. Yep. Because that should be written.

Speaking of which, can anyone (and I know I'm being a plague for asking but herewego) point me in the direction of a GOOD Ishida fic. Pairing is not necessary; in fact, I think I'd like something without a pairing. Maybe.
I've read my fair share of Ishihime fics(of which I think _debbiechan_ is the divine authority on, though she writes a kick ass Ichiishi and Ishida in general anyway. @.@) . Some are gorgeous, some… not so much. Read my fair share of Ichiishi fics( of which sublimeparadigm and ravenclaw42 are my goddesses ) . Some blow my mind. Some…. Er… really not so much?

God, can I waffle? Anyway, my point. I DO have one, really.
Has anyone read anything mind-blowing though? Regarding Ishida? Anything… just… epic? And the longer the better though length does not a good fic make, I know. I just like to read. A lot.

Can anyone point me to something like that? >.>;

Don't ask for much, do I?


<3 Ta~

fanart, misc.

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