My dad has managed to pass his cold onto all of my family except little sister. COLDS ARE THE WORST KIND OF SICKNESS I hate being congested one moment and then dealing with runny nose issues and I am wide awake because of this stupid medicine and ughhhhh (my typing and ability to put words together is suffering too, I think)
At least Halls 'cool creamy strawberry' throat drops are really, really tasty haha (no seriously I would eat these things like candy)
Germany and Italy thing that is still a WIP because I have forgotten how to draw legs (You can always tell when I'm tired of a drawing because I start coloring before the thing is actually finished.)
Anyway, gaming stuff!
WA:XF mission 1-6 is kicking my ass, so yesterday I ran crying back to the welcoming arms of FFT. My party is pretty awesome right now: Ramza, Luso, Balthier, cute little white mage named Toby, and a dancer. Just got Or... Orlandeau...? Who will now be known as Old Ben in this journal.
Amazingly enough I... I am not really feeling the gay in this game that so many fangirls before me seemed to love? Maybe somebody should call the papers.
I really like Delita though.
ALSO (but not gaming stuff): I checked the first five volumes of Gantz out from the library! Comics at the library, how exciting. My bad luck of liking characters that get killed off is still going (Although with this series I guess it should have been obvious). I'm enjoying it though (aside from the 5000 PAGES OF POINTLESS NAKED CHICKS holy crap, I was so embarrassed reading it in the living room with my siblings and brother's girlfriend around).