Apr 20, 2005 15:59
erm, so. I'm not going to green day.
becuase I would be on my way to charlotte right now.
ugh. whatever.
carol & gentry--I hope you guys are having fun, though.
I am going to mercy me/jeremy camp with ellen and her dad on friday, though !
reffing is gay. freal. I've had to do so much of it lately.
on saturday, I reffed three games and got 27 dollars.
michael pell reffed four and got 72 dollars.
tell me how this is far?
I need to get certified asap.
um. vote for me as student body secretary.
thanks. :)
oh.. and danielle, do you know who else is going for that?
and I'm not going to prom either. of course. which is a little sad, but I guess it's not that great? hopefully I'll be in raleigh that night, anyway.
and that's about all I feel like writing/all you probably feel like reading.
have a great week, and let's hang out soon.
because there's so many of you that I rarely to never get to see.
and we're about to change that.
and happy late birthday to meredith. :)
k, neat.