Out of Character Information
player name: Aeri
player livejournal:
eisdammeplaying here: Too many people.
where did you find us? I woke up here. Where are my pants?
are you 16 years of age or older?: Yes.
In Character Information
character name: Sansa Stark
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire
character's age: Book age would be twelve, but would it be a problem to use book canon and and show age? Let's go with fourteen?
powers, skills, pets and equipment:
Sansa has no powers other than her sometimes ridiculous optimism/trust and the ability to see the absolute best in people that have no best at all. (koffjoffreykoff)
Also she might be a warg. IS THAT OKAY? I don't plan to address that until much later, and am also cool with not doing it.
That being said, Sansa is skilled at many of the things that are expected of a noble girl of Westeros - dancing, singing, courtly etiquette, and music (the high harp, singing). She can read and write, though she is a considerably better reader than a storyteller. She is exceptionally skilled at needlepoint and has a keen eye for fashion.
She will arrive without Lady, but I would like to bring her in later if that's possible.
The only possessions she will have besides the clothes on her back will be the doll that Ned (unsuccessfully) gave her, a locket and Sandor's torn, bloodied Kingsguard cloak.
canon history: Is
here. If you'd rather not have a link and would like me to summarize, I can. My summaries are kind of balls, though.
personality: Sansa is a dreamer and a romantic at heart. For most of her life she has lived within her own idealized world of chivalry and romance, where ladies are won with sweet words and impressive feats, and everything is happily ever after.
She can be a little prim (especially concerning what a lady should and should not do ie: her sister, Arya. SHE DOES NOT GET YOU, ARYA.), but she's adventurous in her own way, thoughtful and a proper lady at all times. She is diplomatic and courteous, and always tries to be polite as much as she can.
She is trusting and still tries to see the best in people, though this part of her has been dealt a serious blow ...right around the the time a similar blow severed her father's head. AND THEN A BUNCH OF OTHER HORROR HAPPENED. So she's at odds between trust/mistrust which would be eased greatly by having/being reunited family in Anatole if that's what's in the cards for her. Also, the less Lannisters around the better.
She can still be sulky when she doesn't get her way (or is proven wrong), and often complicates or dismisses things without fair investigation. She is still biased by looks/class and will often base her judgments on these factors. SHE IS LEARNING NOT TO DO THIS. But is still quite concerned with how she is viewed by others, but only others that matter to her.
She is very loyal once won over, despite her teenage snits, and is fiercely proud of her family. She's generally a rule-follower, not a rule-breaker, but this is not set in stone. It's just her default and comfort zone.
Sansa will often deliberate over a phrase, making every endeavor to say the right thing, the correct thing - the thing that someone in authority would want to hear.
Fear makes strange bedfellows for her, that's to be sure.
why do you feel this character would be appropriate to the setting? Sansa is a typical noble girl of her age - and despite her childishness, she is capable of great growth and compassion (her disgust at how Barristan Selmy was treated, etc.) and bravery (trying to take charge after Cersei ditches the banquet). There's determination beneath the frailty, and it would be interesting to see her grow in this kind of place. Also, her ideals/beliefs re: a woman's place would be challenged by many of the Scorched - and I like that!