Mar 13, 2011 15:52
There, I said it. It's true.
I haven't been here in so long I had to stop and think about the password. I am shamed.
But I didn't forget you, O, loyal LJ friends, though my fickle heart did stray, I remembered where you were and that you were waiting.
I had my annual Mardi Gras. It had a very different flavor, what with the new babies in the Community. I kinda feel like the only one who doesn't have one, although I know that's nowhere near true or logical.
I think the hormones may be kicking in. I mean, I am approaching 30, I am married, and I do like children. I have to admit sometimes I start to think maybe ONE day...although not now. I am still painfully aware that, like a kitten, they don't stay that little and cute...and that they are EXPENSIVE. One new mother I know pointed out that her baby's prescription formula cost her $800 a month...that's more than I MAKE. And they get more expensive as they get older.
Still, it's just a tickle, not a full-on URGE, and I still love being Auntie Ishbu, and for now, that's MORE than enough. And I saw posts of two friends also on the baby issue...just wanted to drop a line and tell you both that I think you are AWESOME women. You know who you are.
The party itself always leaves me with a weird mixture of relief, happiness, and a vague sense of something left undone. I am fully open to ideas. I think I need them. Or maybe I need a year off. I dunno.
Gave up meat again. It's getting easier. I thought long and hard about the fact that it's getting easier, and came to the conclusion that things don't have to be epically difficult to be meaningful. This little ritual is still VERY meaningful. In fact, maybe it's more meaningful...a small daily devotional reminder of who I am and what I believe, just like saying your prayers. And active act of prayer, really.
World events have me very sad. I woke up to the news on the 11th and I actually started to CRY. My heart is just hurting for those people.
On a lighter note...had a good dream. Doesn't seem appropriate to put it in this post, since it's X-rated and the rest of this post is quire serious. Maybe a separate post later.
Love & hugs to you all.