Wolverine Movie

May 05, 2009 21:51

Big surprise, I was disappointed. Most notably, with the portrayal of Deadpool. I can understand "taking liberties" for a movie production, but damn. At least don't make up new superpowers for him.
I also think they should have mentioned that Sabertooth and Wolverine fight every year on Wolverine's birthday. At least add some depth guys...

On my to-do list is to write a letter to Stan Lee to express my disappointment in allowing the other movie producers (he is the Executive Producer) to screw with the characters created by Marvel. You've been working on it since 1941, don't let some group of guys make up their own CRAP over a couple lunch meetings.

Stan Lee
Pow! Entertainment
9440 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 620
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
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