Jul 22, 2009 23:32

I Shaved My Legs For You Tonight is a web suppliment thought up by two adverage teenage girls, Barratt and Jones.
ISMLFYT includes topics such as Music, Fashion and Art along side others such as weekly news events and funny Twitter posts!

Each issue will include;
- Barratt and Jones' weekly goings on.
- Letters from our readers
- Weekly news events
- Fashion
- Art
- Music
- Tweet of the Week
- Quote of the week
- Hand drawn comic
- End note (and disclaimers)

If you want to write us something, anything at all.
If you have some artwork you'd like to send to us and have put on our Art pages

NOTE: You can join this community and you can comment on posts, but you cannot yourself post. If you wish to contact us please email to any of the above


We are poor college students who have way too much free time.
We do not make any profits from this and we do own most of the pictures and words.
If we use other pictures or a quote from somewhere we will add a disclaimer on the last pages.
But we make NO MONEY from it.
So please dont sue us we have so little to give!

Keep it nice
Barratt and Jones
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