The promise of the new year...

Jan 07, 2008 11:20

Good Morning,

So it is Monday again, and I am kinda bored. So what a perfect time/mood for a journal entry! Yay! Jump up and down in unparallelled glee my little meat puppets.

To start with, Thursday reminded me how our of shape I am. I am going to try to be more physical. I am also going to try to finish off my holiday chocolate slowly. I am eating less, I just need to balance the other end of the caloric deficit.

I am well on my way to getting the rapier scenarios done up for quad war. I am looking forward to quad, but I am also having a bit of trouble getting everything together. We shall see how things work out. As for the rest of Friday, I was planning on taking off from work an hour early, but didn't. Why you might ask? Because I was caught in a meeting. It got me thinking, but it also went over. Anyhow, I got picked up from work, and went to see Sweeny Todd. It was a really good movie. Johnny Depp was amazing. It was a good musical. In so much that it wasn't all happy and funny. It was a little gory, but it was more the theatrical side of gory.

In the middle of the day Saturday, we went back to my place so that I could do laundry and clean up. So I did laundry and cleaned up a little. Went back and watched the beginnings of Gargoyles. I was being a lazy lout, which was fine by me. On Sunday I managed to get a bunch of sewing done for 12th night. I got my pants done, all I need to do is grommet them, and I got most of my dublet put together, and all the pieces cut out. I might even have time to do a hat. I am going with a rather modest approach to this outfit. I will fix it up as needed further on. Though I don't think I will need to.

We watched two of the three pirates of the caribbean movies on Sunday, and will watch the last one tomorrow night. I am hoping to get the rest of the dublet done on tuesday, and maybe even the grommets in as well. We shall see. Note: There was a particular button style I wanted, and I just got word that I will be able to get all the buttons I need by 12th night. This will be awesome!

That has been my weekend in review.

As well, I am apparently getting my cheque in the mail soon, today or tomorrow, for the utility money that is owed to me. It is an unexpected surprise to say the least. It comes to me that I am being a little harsh on my Ex-Wife. This might be true, it might not be. I am not willing to give her the benefit of the doubt at this point. Our goal is the same though. A speedy uncontested divorce.

Speaking of money, I found out when I will be getting my reimbursment for my training course. That will be on the 15th, almost a week away. It will be for what I paid and I hope taxes aren't being taken out. Regardless, I will be paying down my credit card. With controlled spending I will be able to, hopefully, pay down my line of credit before my trip. Joy! After that, I will be able to start putting money away like a mofo, and start working towards a house. Joy!

The future is rosy my friends. The future is rosy.

I hope that I won't be moving any time soon, though I think I might. I don't know. Depends on how much crap I am take from my landlord.

I think that is about all, besides that I am always amused by the antics of others...


life, ex-wife, sewing, sca

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