Dec 18, 2015 08:51
Good Morning,
I just recently learnt of the story behind "Silent Night". A pastor in Austria almost two hundred years ago was walking during a snowy night and was struck by the silent majesty of hte village bellow his church. There is more to it, but that is the basics. He had thought of what the night must have been like 1800 years ago when Christ was born. While I am sure that bethlehem wasn't silent that night, he paints a picture of what that night must have been like. When our Saviour was born.
Looking at it, at least the judeo line of faiths, the common theme to a lot of the stories is that we're fundamentally flawed and we can't fix ourselves by ourselves. Which if you think about, it is mostly true. If given the chance to cheat without anyone knowing or any negative reprucussions, then we will. Some peoples definition of "negative reprucussions" is a little looser then others so everyone's line is different, but we all have it.
We have our faiths to try to encourage us to go beyond this "base" behaviour and to aspire to the divine. This is what all the holy books, prophets, Christs, saviours, and messiehs have told us that we need to do. Because we're all broken little children that need to be fixed and can only be fixed if we deny our true nature and try to become something we're not.
This is REALLY starting to sound like our current love hate relationship with mass media.
Food for thought, ration carefully.
food for thought,