SCA, recreation, and history.

Oct 26, 2015 16:39

Good Afternoon,

So my wife and I waatched a series from the UK that expl,ored tennant warming in Tudor England. Give it around the time of Henry VIIth or so. It was a facisinating series. It explored a lot of the day to day and common chores and atasks a land worker would do working the land around a monistary.

One of the big things that was seen was how Religion influenced their lives and day to day living. How ingrained it was in their lives from how they did work to tell time to how they just exist. It was a Huge part of their lives and I cannot even fathom it. It is something I REALLY want to know more about.

For good reason the SCA has chosen to remove religion completely from the field of acceptable topics of learning and teaching. Religion has been the cause of great strife in history, and particularly in the periods that we're looking at. So to preserve the peacve adn prevent another crusade or whatnot from happening Religion is frowned upon. This is the easy way out. It also allows for maximum inclusion, which is important.

If the focus of our group was narrower, suppose just Tudor England or Renassisance Italy, it would be easier to add enough religion to show what life was actually like. Not this focused and safe world that the SCA is now. I think that is how my Next SCA Dream Moment will come.

Right now I am contemplating what Cormac would be. Catholic I think. Not too popular in the English courts at his time.

Just a thought,

life, religion, sca

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