Jan 03, 2009 01:07
Haha, I wasn't really planning on blogging tonight and I'm pretty much just winging it, so excuse my lack of continuity if it comes to that. It might even be ambitious of me to try to make sense of the year I had. Not a lot made sense. Most of it was just..me following a path that I could see only one step at a time.
It was definitely a year of learning, of challenges. I stepped out of my comfort zone and tested my limits. I took myself out of everything that was familiar and tried to make a life for myself in the unfamiliar, unknown and unsafe. I started out the year brave, head held high.
I wasn't planning on staying. Seriously. Otherwise, I would have planned a better send off party. :P But I found myself drawn to Calgary. The possibilities and opportunities were enough to entice me. Here, I could be anyone I wanted to be. I could work any job with no outside pressure or crazy high expectations. I could take a completely different career path than what I started off with in university if I so wanted to. I could learn independence without having my overprotective father hovering over me every second. (And now I miss that hovering presence so badly..) I could make mistakes and face the consequences without having to think of how it might touch my family. My family was too far away for that. I could be alone, really alone and I could finally face that fear. I'd have to adapt to more than I'd had to and fend for myself.
It looked like a lot of fun. XD And before you get any ideas, I'm no masochist. I was feeling adventurous. For what seems like the first time in my life. And I still am. :D
I won't lie. It wasn't easy. But on hindsight, it was all worth it. I wouldn't trade the experience for anything in the world. Not when I had learned so much about things they never teach you in school.
I learned to swallow my pride. Beggars can't be choosers. And if you're starting with nothing, you're as close to being a beggar as you'll ever be.
I stopped worrying over the future I cannot control and focus on the present I can do something about.
I learned patience. Waiting for your prayers to be answered takes a special kind of patience and trust. Father, into Thy Hands I commend my spirit.
I learned the value of perpectives. It only takes a different perspective, a different outlook to change how your everything is. Half full or half empty, happiness is a choice you have to consciously make.
I learned that everything happens for a specific purpose, for a specific reason. In this world, there are no coincidences, only choices and chances.
I learned that I was capable of more than I thought I was. That was a cheerful revelation. I survived things I didn't think I would. I did things I never thought I could. I'd go in detail but there's just too many to do that. I wouldn't even know where to begin.
I learned that love has a way of finding you. That you're never really alone, no matter what you think.
I learned that miracles do happen. This year was enough proof of it.
I learned that I still had a lot to learn. Life is a continuous process of learning.
I doubt I'll ever be the same person I was when the year began. Which is both good, and at the same time, sad. Sad, because I'm not quite sure what I had to give up to be the me I am now. But good because it means I have grown. :)
Now I can't wait for what 2009 has to offer. I have high hopes. Take note, I say hopes not expectations. ;)
and belated as it is, Happy Holidays!
for posterity's sake,