My ancient (read: 100 years old) bed against the deep purple accent wall.
Some hombre decided to hold my Nicci pals hostage.
Mabushii~ Crystal lights at the entrance. Ignore the person at the side plz :D
The main hall.
Staircase area.
I don't know what you call this thing in English. My parents call it a 'sia nah'.
The mater and the pater. Hola~
The patio area where my parents were apparently enjoying their coffee this morning while I was still being a pig.
Our dry kitchen area with the island and hanging lights.
Family hall and Buddha altar.
Yamapie's Japanese room.
Parent's study area.
My parents room taken from the study area - walk in closet and main bedroom.
If y'all are wondering about the random Spanish bits, please blame Ugly Betty.