Fic - brand new box of matches (Supernatural, Dean/OFC)

May 31, 2006 09:55

Title: brand new box of matches
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean/OFC
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Not mine, don't sue. Please. :)
Notes: For
hello_marysue.  Prodding and beta by
starstillwonder, any remaining mistakes are mine.  No, no, this wasn't one of the things on the List, it just.  Happened.  ;)

Another thousand miles, another case, another town. College town, this time. Dean was getting to be ambivalent about that; on one hand, Sam always took an extra day or so to shake off the college towns, but on the other, even when they didn’t get to break into sororities, the scenery was pretty good.

The bar they were in wasn’t one of the popular places; it was out of the way, and the crowd seemed to be a little older. It was karaoke night, which was killing him, but this was where the most recent victim’s roommate worked, and so this was where they were. Dean looked down the bar to where Sam had her pouring out her life story. He was nodding earnestly and really listening, which was all it took, sometimes.

Things weren’t busy, and the second bartender didn’t look like he cared that he was on his own, so Sam was golden. He’d probably get all the information they needed in the next hour. Well, he’d probably get all the information they needed in the next half-hour, but he’d listen for as long again. They weren’t in a rush; the next full moon wasn’t for another three days.

Dean sipped his beer, turned around on the barstool and watched the room. There were five or six groups of people all sitting around the space that had been cleared for the karaoke: mostly mixed groups, but more girls than guys. One poor sucker had just gotten talked into Margaritaville by his friends, who were clapping and cheering him on.

On the first lost shaker of salt, a couple of girls got up and headed for the bar, a blonde and a brunette, heads together, talking. The brunette continued to the bathroom, but the blonde came up to the bar beside Dean and ordered two beers and a margarita, with a wicked grin for the last. The bartender laughed and moved away, and the girl turned back to the karaoke, leaning against the bar. Just a little thing with big blue eyes. She looked at Dean, raised an eyebrow and said, “You don’t look like a Margaritaville kind of guy.”

Dean looked mock-relieved. “Thank God.”

She smirked at him, but it was friendly, “It was between this and Enter Sandman, but that would’ve just been mean.”

He laughed at that, and she shook her head, grinning. They chatted for a couple minutes - she was in town for a conference, he was visiting with his brother, who was thinking of coming here for law school next year - until the bartender came back with her drinks, and her friend came back from the bathroom. She turned around to pay, and as she did she slid her hip along his thigh, leaning on him as she handed over her cash and got her change. When she turned back, she did it again, and Dean did love a girl who knew how to get his attention.

She turned back to him before she started to follow her friend back to their table. “I think my song’s up soon, but you aren’t leaving yet.” It wasn’t a question, but she licked her lips and waited for an answer.

“Nah, I think I need another beer.”

“Good.” She smiled and turned away.

Dean ordered another beer, and watched as trio of girls finished something poppy, then the whole crowd sang along with the guy who had Friends in Low Places. His little blonde got called up next to do Nancy Sinatra. Her voice wasn’t anything special, but she was having fun, and she could move, strutting around and swinging her hips, so that her skirt swayed across her legs. Her friends clapped and cheered as she finished and went back to their table.

A pair of girls got up and started at first I was afraid, I was petrified, and as the crowd clapped along she came back towards the bar, raised an eyebrow at Dean and then headed for the bathroom. Dean checked on Sam - still talking with the roommate, although he caught Dean’s look and gave him the shrug that meant “it’s not like you listen to me anyway.” - finished his beer, and followed her.

She was waiting next to the back door, which was propped open. She looked up at him and licked her lips again. “I thought I’d get some air?”

Dean smirked, “Yeah, it’s getting a little hot in there.”

She shook her head but laughed, grabbing his jacket and pulling him out the door.   She started to mutter “You’re lucky you’re - ” but stopped herself as he leaned down, breathing over her temple.

“Lucky I’m what?”

She shivered, and he felt her exhale slowly against his throat. “Mmm, nevermind.”

He put his hands on her hips and leaned back against the wall, pulling her with him, her hands still between them, grabbing his jacket, her face tucked into his neck. “You tease.”

“Oh, hell no.” She tilted her head up and smiled at him, eyes narrowed and glittering.

“Well then,” he said, and kissed her.

For a second it was sweet, but Dean licked at the corner of her mouth and she opened her lips for him, and then it was all tongues and teeth very quickly. He slid his hands just under the waist of her skirt, and rubbed his thumbs slowly along her skin, over and over. She let go of his jacket and slid her hands up his shirt, dragging her nails down his abs, and then broke away from him.

“Oh my God, get on with it.”

“Pushy, pushy…”

She took her hands out of his shirt to grab his shoulders and bite at his jaw, leaning her body heavily into his, pressing up on her toes to reach his mouth, rubbing against his cock and pushing her breasts into his chest. “You haven’t been complaining,” she murmured.

His head fell back against the brick, and he’d lost an octave somewhere, voice gone rough. “And I’m not gonna start now.”

Dean leaned away from the wall, pushing her up. He slid his hands out of the top of her skirt and up her sides, sliding his thumbs over her nipples, which were hard against the tight material of her shirt. She moaned and tossed her head, and he leaned in, threading the fingers of one hand through her hair, still teasing her breast with the other, kissing along the line of her throat, over her pulse.

Crowding his body into hers, he turned them around, pressing her back against the wall. She ducked her head away from him, and dropped her hands to unbuckle his belt and unzip his fly. He dropped his head onto her shoulder with a hiss as she wrapped her hand around his cock, grabbing her wrist as she started to stroke. Reaching into his back pocket, he pulled out a condom, and pressed it into her free hand. She let go of his cock for a second to get the package open, and then her hands were back, smoothing the condom in place.

He reached down and pulled up her skirt, sliding his hands up the insides of her thighs, stepping in and kissing her, as her hands went to his hips. He pressed his fingers against the wet crotch of her panties, and she shuddered and moaned, “Ohhh… please, yes,” into his mouth. He pulled them down, steadying her with a hand against her bare hip under her skirt as she stepped out of them, and shoved them into his jacket pocket.

She breathed a laugh at that, but he just muttered, “The ground’s dirty,” as he pushed his hand back up her skirt, over her thighs, pushing his fingers into her and rubbing his thumb over her clit. She clawed at his back as he kissed her, shoving his tongue into her mouth, and his fingers into her cunt. She shook her head away from his lips, saying, “Now, now, now.”

He pulled his fingers out and wrapped his hands around her waist, lifting her up. She reached down and guided him in as he stepped forward. He braced her against the wall, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. She grabbed his hair, and pulled his head back, biting at his lips as he pushed into her, slowly in and slowly out, then faster and faster as the warmth and tightness urged him on and on and on.

She cried out as she came, bit his lower lip so hard that he could taste blood, and he was coming, his legs shaking, crushing her into the wall, shouting into her mouth.

They both just panted for a moment. Dean leaned heavily into her, into the wall, waiting for his legs to stop shaking, before pulling carefully out and away, setting her down and holding onto her waist as she put her feet down. When she nodded, he stepped back, pulling off the condom and chucking it in the trashcan-slash-ashtray that was sitting by the door. He put himself back in his pants, zipped and buckled, as she shook out her skirt and ran her fingers through her hair. He reached over and smoothed a hand over her head, tucking her hair behind her ears before kissing her lips. She smiled into the kiss for a moment, returning it, and then stepped back.

He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out her panties. “Um. Do you…?”

She laughed and ducked her head, shaking it. “No, keep them.” Looking up, she gave him a wicked grin, “I packed too many anyway.” She reached a hand to the side of his neck and pulled him down to kiss him, laughing against his mouth. She pulled away and stepped back. “Thanks.”

“You too.”

She smiled and walked back into the bar.

Dean put her panties back in his pocket, waiting to give her a couple minutes before he’d go back in himself. He almost jumped out of his skin when there was a cough from the mouth of the alleyway.

“Jesus, Sam!”

“You don’t have to go back in; I paid for your beer.” In the dim light of the parking lot, the look on Sam’s face was completely innocent. Dean started toward him, swaggering just a little.

“How long were you there?”


“You dirty bastard.”


“Oh, don’t give me that look. I’d kick your ass if I wasn’t in such a good mood.”

“You mean, you’d kick my ass if you had any strength left in your legs.”

Dean stopped dead and gaped at him. “Oh, I am going to kill you.”

Sam laughed as Dean chased him back to the car.

fic: supernatural, fic

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