Hallo, all...
a) Why am I in grad school, again?
b) Evidence that my Brain is EVIL, Item 24587: FinMyWipMo has made my brain generate NEW fic bunnies, VID bunnies (Ooo, this could be a Firefly vid! It would go like this... but I don't know how to do that. Waitaminute! I don't VID! WTF, Brain?), AND vid bunnies FOR A SHOW I HAVEN'T SEEN (Oh, yeah, I could totally do a vid about Logan and Duncan to this song. If I vidded. AND IF I HAD EVER SEEN VERONICA MARS.)
c) Wips Finned: ZERO.
cawti? You seem to be having luck with the FinMyWipMo thing. Go you! :) Do you remember that Hermione/Viktor in the castle library tig we had? Because my lack of finishing the stuff I was planning on finishing has made me remember all SORTS of things that could, technically go on the list. Um. I have no point, really. Carry on.
e) Three sleeps until Goblet of Fire. Also, until Walk the Line. Minus 11 sleeps until Jarhead, 10 sleeps until Rent! and Pride and Prejudice...
f) How are you, flist? I hope you are all well. Have I missed anything crucial/interesting/hot/funny/etc?
yuletide Santa,
Thank you already for offering to write something that matched my request(s)! I am very easy to please - you could write gen or porn, and I would be happy. I like things that fit with or suit the source, but I also like cracked-out things. I like funny, I like angsty, I like cathartic. Mainly, I am curious about what would happen between the characters in my requests, so really, when I said, "Or whatever you think would be interesting!" I did mean it. I really hope that you have fun writing whatever you decide to write, because I think that's the most important part. Well, that and the bit where you wonder what I was thinking to request Character X and Y in fandom Z. ;)
Making more cookies because the last batch... were burned! No, really!
-- Iseult