Mar 05, 2006 16:02
Those opposites people like to mention bothered me again when I read over my last entry. Lovers and Friends / Work and Play. I like to mix them. The times in my life where I've felt the best involved either: Michael, who is consequently both my lover and my best friend [(aside from a certain smwasion (smurf+white+asian)], or when I have created some delicious words for paper - perhaps WHILE playing - or, to take a pun to the next level, when I have made some breakthrough in character development during a play.
All four can be mixed, too! I love to play onstage, which is part of my work, knowing that my friend, whom I shall be loving once I am offstage, is watching me. Delicious.
Today is a good day, I think, for listing other bothersome items of intangibility(HAH - I sometimes rely on convoluted sentences of the pseudo-intellectual variety to amuse me):
1) I have to return to Belmont tonight (sans mon beau Michel)
2) Mama's main goal today is to watch the oscars *in full*, which means she started with the red carpet bs at about 3:30, and will continuing this nonsense until sometime late tonight. Sigh Sigh Sigh
3) I wish to eat more shrimp in a day than will fit in my stomach.
4) I cannot decide how best to deal with the pound of blue boucle yarn sitting in front of me.
5)According to recent internet research (done by myself, in the past half-hour or so), many people who knit/crochet are actually bored, silly women who own chihauhas that are often in need of trendy winter garments.
I am not, however, disappointed or in any way malcontent with a discovery I made of certain dolla dolla bills while seraching for a ponytail in my bedroom at my parent's house. woot woot!!!