I never know what to get my kids when gift time rolls around. Usually it's a good bet to get Trip something that's aimed about 2 years older than his current age. This year he asked me for a microscope. I don't remember when I got mine, but I'm pretty sure I was older than 8. He's getting one from Nana. I settled for getting an electronic dart
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Seriously, I understand. Susan was easy this year. I scored a little loom at Pennsic, perfect for her to learn weaving. Given that the child has been fascinated with strings and knots and such since she was a baby I think this will be a hit. Even if it does get into a hot spot with me: crafts. I am sick of their craft bits all over the house -- which some people might seem strange given how crafty I am. But I do not have my projects littered all over the house. sigh.
The other two are harder. We have things but nothing special. A couple of Wii games. And hubby got all three a "science" toy -- snap circuits. Where they play with leanring about electricity. Science kits are my other hot spot with the kids. He keeps getting them these science kits to do experiments and such, and they bomb. Most kids do not want them and the ones he finds look so much better on the box than in person. I know we have geek tendancies in our kids, but nothing that far off the social spectrum. This set might be better. We'll see.
My family has cut off gifts this year (economic reasons is the given answer) but it oculd be in response to some of the incidents I have had with my sisters over my dad's stuff. Oh well. They never got much from them, and I am currently trying to get away from commercialism so it is not a loss. Hubby's family is also going lean, although the messages are mixed as to wether the kids are included in the no-gift exchange or not. Sigh. I'll do what I always do for the nieces and nephews there (gift cards to Borders) so that if we are not exchanging gifts then we could use them. Is that wrong or stingy on my part?
I try not to sound Scrooge-like, but truly, the emphasis on expensive things (or lots of things) for Xmas is tiring for me. I jsut want a good time with family.
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