So I randomly remembered that once upon a time I made a Sorting Hat Crack Pairing Generator, and I decided to update it!
Well that took me hours, because I am too dumb to use internets, but it is finally done!
You may find it
So here is how the meme works. It's nice and simple.
1. Go to the website and receive a pairing and prompt. (You don't have to use the prompt if you don't want, but it makes it more fun.)
2. Write a short drabble (or a long one, or draw some art) about the pairing you get! Or post the pairing and prompt and play it out, if you'd like.
(3.5) "Pairing" doesn't have to be a romantic pairing. It can be buddies, study partners, hate rivals, whatever you like.
3. You can keep refreshing until you get one you like. No one will know.
4. Go nuts! Please include a warning if anything goes over PG-13 though.