It's 10 am and I cracked open a PBR. I'm done with Calc 2... for real this time. I'm almost sure I got a high A which is the real nail in the theoretical coffin.
Life ain't bad. Going home tomorrow to party. Beach for 2 weeks. I'll be doing more database programming work for my Oregon-based employer and finishing up work for Cat Mazza's new project (which should be up and running by the middle of July). I'll also be competing in a big ol' disc golf tournament where they hold the world cup with Sammy. We're bound to fuck up and still do alright in the amateur league. I also have to get fitted for a tux for Matt's wedding in August while I hang out with him all this week. This is going to be my last chance to hang out with Matt without his soon-to-be wife in a long time. My first friend to get married... weird weird weird weird weird.
My site's been tripling it's traffic every week or 2. Pretty awesome. The mp3 blog's been bringing in tons of new people that check the site every day and tend to wander off into the main sections. More importantly a ton of people have been flowing into
PassivePost since it gained top honors in
Memefest 2007.
Memefest is super Northern European so now I've got crazy Budapestians crawling on it along with like 30-50 returning Americans a day. Soon I'll be upgrading the main site so it can be more proactive towards displaying new material from any section of the site as well as for selling pieces and things... a lot like Mr. Chen's
Wiggly Piggly.
Here's the reviews I got for PassivePost from famous New Media professors around the world. What they didn't know is that this was my first project using PHP, MySQL or Apache so... I'll take the advice for what it's worth...
title of entry: PassivePost field Beyond category: undergraduate
MARTHA PATRICIA NINO Arguments: An additional reference that can be of help although is advocating wars. In Zero Comments by Geert Lovink interrogates the latest hype surrounding blogs and social network sites. In this third volume of his studies into critical Internet culture, following the influential Dark Fiber and My First Recession, Lovink develops a 'general theory of blogging. references Rating: 8
KEVIN YUEN KIT LO Arguments: An extremely simple and interesting concept that I think has a lot of potential. It immediately resonates with present considerations of instantaneous web communication such as twitter ( and status updates on facebook. The anonymity makes it even more interesting. However, I find that there are some inherent limitations to it, not the least of which is that it doesn not feel like a very public platform. The (aggressive?) design detracts from its openess and the necessity for account-creation probably acts as a bit of a detterent. Furthermore, I don't see how it really does anything "more" than a standard blog with a limitation of posts and privacy settings. Nonetheless I think there is a very strong kernel in your concept of limitations. I think turning it into an application that can reside on other spaces on the web would be interesting. I think the intrinsic humour of it is great, and I think providing more visual tools for users could make for some very interesting content. Soliciting a wider user-base would also make it more interesting. I believe a lot of these issues could be addressed through a more careful consideration of design alongside the development of a more "playful" set of applications. Rating: 6
TOM LIACAS Arguments: While this may have some relevance to online community behaviour, I don't see what it has to do with social change. Rating: 4
ALAIN BIEBER Arguments: Nice experiment! But it only works when people are participating... if all the three posts are dead or too long online without a change it gets boring... that´s not your fault, of course... it´s a real nice (but also little) project! Rating: 8
FERNANDO MIGUEL CUEVAS ULITZSCH Arguments: Jamison Not all experiments are art. Experimentation is only the first part of the creation, but i think Passive Post has a lack of analysis behind it. It is well designed, the interface is friendly and the usability is not perfect, but it is simple and easy to use. Thats great. But an experiment has to be interesting...or the analysis made to the results can be interesting...but i see no analysis nor a result beyond the web site.I see no questions behind it.....I am pretty sure you had them... If that was yor goal you achieved it...but i think you wanted to understand play with ot and see what happens... ¿What happened? Did you see something...what did people do with the post.s?..or what dide they post.? Rating: 6
MARK ANDREJEVIC Arguments: i really like the concept -- and the reflexive attitude toward blogging. To change blogging from an asynchronous format to a synchronous one is a smart and interesting one. I'm also taken by the ambiguous attitude here: this is both a celebration and a critique of ADD culture. An anonymous sounding board where, for example, one can post one's secrets or one's politics in secrecy -- and not worry about being traced...but then again, online, you always worry...there is a fake security in the notion of online anonymity. Rating: 9
PHIL GRAHAM Arguments: The idea of an ephemeral blog system is interesting. It points to forms of guerilla organisation and communication that protects identities and reputations. The reactionary nature, or at least potential, of the idea is problematic for me. It feeds into the culture of reaction already alive and thriving in this fear-ridden world. Perhaps if it it a critique of the reactionarycharacter of internet mediated communication, it might be very forceful. As it is, I have looked in a few times. Twice it closed my browser. The only time I got to see it in a stable form, I saw only three very disconnected posts. I can see a place for this but I think it needs more explanation by the author for me to grasp the intent. The design is clunky and could be made far more readable. Some focus for the community might help, though this might be a function of the tool being disseminated to different groups. Rating: 5
Overall jury rating: 6.57
I feel like Mark Andrejevic actually got what I was going for. I wish the site had been more active during the voting process. Since it's been posted as a top 5 winner on memefest it's been a lot more active.
I'm getting a 'gift box' and a 'diploma' sent to me in the mail. More importantly, now when I get googled at least it says I've won something.