(no subject)

Nov 11, 2004 12:49

100 Questions
Have you ever.........

1. Kissed your cousin: Nope
2. Ran away: yes
5. Broken someone's heart: so he said i did
6. Been in love: yea
7. Cried when someone died: yeah
8. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: Yep
9. Broken a bone: no
11. Lied: yea
12. Skipped School: yea


13. Coke or Pepsi: coke
14. Sprite or 7UP: sprite
16. Flowers or candy: candy
17. Scruff or Clean shaved: either is good
18. Quiet or Loud: it depends..
19. Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes!!
20. Bitchy or Slutty: bitchy
21. Tall or Short: i like guys taller then me
22. Pants or Shorts: pants


23. What do you notice first: sense of humor
24. Last person you slow danced with: who knows!
25. Worst Question To Ask: "Do you still love me?"umm, if not i would have told you! trust me!
26. Physical like: hair, i guess
27. Short or tall?: tall
28. Athletic/Jock side, or Musical/Band side?: Musical/Band for sure!!

WHAT IS.. (your favorite):

29. Your Good Luck Charm: my fairy dust! :)
30. Person You Hate Most: I don't think i HATE anyone..
31. Best Thing That Has Happened to you: Meeting my best friend julia!! (6th grade, love ya!)
32. Color: black
33. Movie: The Grudge!!!(lol)
34. Subject in school: hate school, hate the subjects
35. Juice: cranberry?
36. Cars: 3000 GT !!!
37. Ice Cream: cookie dough
39. Season: summer
40. Breakfast Food: pankcakes? idk
41. Song: ooo.. WAY TOO MANY! (I LOVE MUSIC)
42. Favorite food: french fries, lol


43. Makes you laugh the Most: Julia
44. Makes you smile: whoever that SomeOne Special is!?....No one now :(
45. Can make you feel better no matter what: no one
46. Has A Crush On You: IDk, probly no one
47. Do You Have A Crush On Someone: naw
48. Who Has it easier?: Guys do!
49. Gives you A Funny Feeling When You See Them: No one, yet..


50. Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night:i have once
51. Save AOL conversations: only important ones
52. Save Emails: no
53. Wish you were someone else: o yes
54. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: no


55. Hairstyle: w/e looks good on the person
56. Cologne: AXE
57. Perfume: Lucky You
58. Sport: surfing or skateboarding
59. age: 18
60. T.V. show: MAD tv or SNL or viva la bam!!(hottie)


61. Fallen for your best friend?: no
64. Been in love?: ya
65. Been in lust?: yea
66. Used someone?: no
68. Cheated on someone?: never did...never will
69. Been in doubt?: uhh yah
70. Done something you regret?: o yea


71. You kissed?(cheek): amanda
72. You kissed?(lips): uh jesse
73. You talked to?: Alicia
74. You hugged?: Vance!
75. You instant messaged?: Dustin
78. You yelled at?: Shanel, my sister
79. You touched?: chase
80. You punched?: richie
81. You tickled?: uhmm i dont really remember


82. Do you Color your hair?: yea
83. Have tattoos?: i wish
85. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: def. not
86. Own a webcam?: yea...but dont use or know how to work it
87. Own a thong? yea, what else would i wear!?(..eww granny pantys! lol)
88. Ever get off the damn computer?: sometimes, there's usually nothing to do
89. Peircings?: two 14's and one 12 in ears, and belly button, (almost lip), soon to be eyebrow
90. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Nope, single...(interested?..let me know!:))
91. School do you go to?: Rockledge High
92. Stolen anything?: ya
93. Smoke?: thank god i dont!
94. Schizophrenic?: sometimes..lol
95. Obsessive?: no
96. ADD?: no
97. ADHD?: no
98. Panic?: Sometimes
99. Confused about who u love? no, got no one to love..(like that)
100.Favorite thing to do: listen, play, make, learn MUSIC!
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