Fanfic to do list.. 5/5 to 12/5

May 05, 2013 21:01

So this is a first for me. I've never bothered to type up and stick to a to do list online before because I didn't want to be held accountable and then fall short. I knew it would leave me feeling disappointed. Now though with everything I've signed up for I want to feel accountable. So every Sunday night I plan to make a post with my to do list for the week. Feel free to ask questions, get on my back, encourage me to stick to my plans and I'd be forever in your debt :D

With out any further ado this is my to do list for the week, broken down into what challenge they are for :D

het_bigbang Veronica Mars/Glee crossover fic:

1. Find beta - Asked a beta. Waiting for a response. Done
2. Find Cheerleader - Asked a cheerleader. Waiting for a response.
3. Write 500 words

het_bigbang Smallville fic:

1. Find beta- Asked a beta. Waiting for a response.  Done
2. Re watch some season 7 episodes
3. Start outline for fic

beyond_dapper Klaine fic:

1. Find beta
2. Start outline
3. Research college application letters

klaine_bigbang Klaine fic:

1. Re read challenge rules, figure out if I need to get a beta Done. I do need a beta. Adding to next week's to do list
2. Write 500 words of fic

love_bingo card:

1. Write 500 words to one fic
2. Figure out which prompts I want to write for which fandom

beyond_dapper big bang, love_bingo, klaine_bigbang, het_bigbang, what: to do list

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