A demain, c'est mon anniversaire. Je ne veux pas age mais je suis contente parce que le derniere deux jour de ma 21 ans c'ete incroyable. Juste incroyable. Je vais recontrer l'histore en detail quand j'ai la photo de les journees.
Au tranduire: Tomorrow, it's my birthday. I don't want to grow up but I am happy because the last two days of my 21st year was incredible. Just incredible. I will tell the story in detail when I have the photo of the days.
Il y a plus plus plus de chose je veux vous-montrez.... mais.... je suis toujour occupe.
There are so so so many things I want to show all of you, but I am always busy.
Oui! Alors le nourriture de Quebec! je grossier parce que la. La gout est plus fort que la nourrityre normalement-- plus de plus de beurre et huile et sel. Delicieux mais, pas savoir pas la idee de 'sante'.
So the food of quebec! I'm getting fat because of it. The food here contains so much so much butter and oil and salt. Its very delicious but the idea of health doesn't really exist here.
Ca c'est appelle une <>. Il est le poitrine de poulet entre two morceau de pain avec le jus et pois. Le plat est toujour serve avec les frites.
The "hot chicken" is basically morcels of chicken breast between two pieces of bread and then covered in gravy and peas. And it's always served with fries!
Sorry, running out of time on the computer. Anyways, this is what they think of as Chinese food here! It's some kind of soy sauce covered macaroni and rice along with honeyed ribs and egg rolls filled with... chicken?
I was really amused because my Jonquimere loves Quebecois 'chinese' food. On the night that she made this:
Jonquimere: Do you know about Quebecois food??
Me: Not really, other than poutine.
Jonquimere: Why not? I know all about Chinese food.
And of course I wouldn't have the heart to correct her or change her 65 impressioned years.
This is called Kinball. It's a REAL (quebecois originated) sport played by over 30,000 people in the world apparently. Anyways, it's pretty much one of the most amusing sports I've ever played in my life. And the house leagues in the school is surprisingly competitive. My team will not make it to the finals.
And two pieces of art I've been working on.