Another update? Yes!
Where I'm getting progressively closer to finishing the legacy, my brain has already begun forming ideas for the next, which I'm really looking forward to getting to. So, here we have the Stratogos Legacy 7.0!
Warning: Language, an adorable gay couple, a few questionable moments, a bisexual werewolf, and lots of children.
So, where did we leave off last time?
Ahh, right! So, Othello was chosen as heir and moved back into the legacy house with his sugardaddy, Armando.
Friska: Are we back?
Yep, we're back.
Friska: Do I have to get up?
I... I guess not?
She's happy to see Othello back. I promise. >.>
Othello gets his dream job in the military. OM NOM NOM, DO WANT. *____*
Armando also gets his dream job, filming Hard Hats, Long Wrenches 4 working in construction.
(I blame
you for this.)
Not that that's going to last.
Armando: Your son got me knocked up! Does that shock you?
Baby, you're talking to the woman who sleeps with everything that moves and bore two illegitimate children, one by another woman. Wrong audience.
Best to be discontinuing that trend of illegitimacy.
Crnobog and Mogwai get old. ;____; They're still pimpin'.
I've decided that for the remaining generations, I will be finding a way to carry on Mogwai's awesomeness. As such, Plaga, his female kitten, has been selected as his kitty heir.
Othello: A kitten! I has one! :D
Dragon and Chessie: *NOT SLOWING DOWN*
Othello comes home from work, and brings his Great-Aunt Phoenix with him! (They're in the same career path, XD)
Immediately after: POP.
Whaaat? I didn't know he was pregnant. He never threw up or was nauseous or anything.
Armando: This is all your fault, isn't it?
Who, me? Well, it was on my agenda, but you're the one responsible for your husband's ass-pregnancy, Mr. Three-Bolter.
Armando: Look at me! I'm fat and I have weird cravings for pickles and peanut butter and it feels like an alien is trying to force its way out of my body!
Othello: Been there, baby.
Then he popped again.
*melts* I love it when they do this autonomously.
Oh--I also gave Othello back his college hair. I just think it looks cuter on him.
Ahhhh, I love you two so hard, srrsly.
Plaga grew up! She turned into a cat identical to Mogwai, save for the fact that she has yellow eyes.
Plaga: y helo thar
Pop! Othello and Armando were literally popping within Sim!Hours of each other.
Well hello there
Remy! How are things in the Gen 3 house?
Franziska: HELLO, FOXY
...Uh. Why do I get the feeling that this isn't going to end well?
Armando: So, your Mom is... interesting.
Othello: Yeah. But she's going to be a grandmother soon so it's best to let her have her fun, amirite?
Well, we're keeping the tradition alive! It's a boy, with Othello's hair, Armando's eyes, and a mixed skintone.
This generation's naming scheme is Pride and Prejudice, which is a wonderful book and possibly one of my favorite movies of all time. Because I'm not having an heir named "Fitzwilliam", the boys get surnames, and the girls get first names.
That being said, meet Darcy.
Armando: Hold this for a second, will you, honey?
Yep. I willingly forced twins on myself, because I was worried that the game would glitch again and I wouldn't be able to have more babies.
Another boy! With Othello's hair, Armando's eyes, and I think Othello's skintone. Named Bennet.
Around 4PM the same day, this happened.
It's a girl! With Othello's hair, Armando's eyes (...) and a mixed skintone, which is lighter than Darcy's. Her name is Elizabeth.
sirensims said it best. "Do you have a werewolf grandparent? No? Well then you suck."
Bloody three-bolters. No sooner had Lizzie been born than the two of them raced into the bedroom and pounced on each other.
Can you guess what happened? -____o
Meanwhile, Franziska is oddly thrilled to have babies in the house again. She was just in the nursery autonomously tucking them in for an hour.
Before calling up Remy for ~sexehtiemz~
Oh this is not good. Oh this is not good at all.
Othello is still a hottie. Just sayin'.
Othello: Why yes! I am blindingly attractive! Thank you for noticing!
These two are seriously in the most clichéd "gay couple" careers ever.
Othello & Armando: Babies! We has 'em!
The cats are still awesome. Y'know, just in case you needed an update in that regard.
Franziska was getting old, so green juice X 2 for her. I'm nowhere near ready for her to progress into elderhood, sry.
I missed a pop for Armando here. *shamefaced*
Hoh shit Remy, that was a close one.
Maybe this kind of thing wouldn't happen if I remembered to have someone feed Fernando Franziska wasn't inviting her over every other day.
It's some birthday tiemz!
Tres! POINTY EAAAARS! *explodes*
Bennet FTMFW.
Neat - 6
Shy - 3
Active - 9
Serious: - 3
Grouchy: - 4
Lizzie has them too! I couldn't see them in her transition hair.
Sloppy - 2
Outgoing - 10
Active - 10
Serious: - 3
Nice: - 6
No pointy ears from Darcy, but he's cute, amirite?
Neat - 5
Outgoing - 10
Lazy - 4
Serious: - 3
Nice: - 6
I had to force Othello to stop autonomously cuddling Bennet so I could make him over. <3
Also: Armando pops again.
Anyway, remember how I was saying that last generation was full of attention hogs?
I take it back. Nothing compares to these children.
No sooner would they be set down than they would be whining for attention again. It actually got really annoying really fast.
It's a freaking epidemic.
Neither pregnancy nor whiny toddlers can prevent these two from getting their freak on.
It shouldn't really surprise me anymore to find Remy wandering around the legacy house.
...Uh, what?
Remy and Dragon: *stare*
WHAT IS THIS?!? Remy, that is very inappropriate attire to be wearing as a guest in someone else's hot tub!
Oh LORD. Apparently I forgot that Remy was bi and Dragon was a Romance Sim. *rolls eyes*
Chessie was at work, though, and Franziska was watching the kids, so they didn't get caught.
Of course, Remy cozies right up to Franziska the second she gets a chance. Still need to work on finding some appropriate hot tub attire there, Rem.
They might be attention hogs, but I love them so. <3 Thanks to
simsforaranya, who gave me the idea, I managed to find a default bottle replacement.
It's like triplets all over again. Fortunately, I have five adults in the house with varying work schedules to help train the little'uns.
This never ends, apparently.
Dragon: Again with the birth?!
Don't look at me, I didn't plan for this!
WHAT?! I chose twins for his last pregnancy, and on this one he has them naturally?!
*sigh* Anyway, first up it's another boy, with Armando's eyes and hair (:D!) and a mixed skintone, named Bingley. (It was either that or Wickham, and I think 'Bingley' is adorable, okay?)
And second is a girl, with Othello's skintone, Armando's eyes, and randomly Dragon's blonde hair. That's kind of a throwback, don't you think, bb? Anyway, her name is Lydia.
And now I'm going to castrate the both of them.
It might be irritating, but it's also incredibly adorable.
Birthdays! Oh Lydia, you bring the lolz. (No pointy ears, though.)
Bing is close behind. He is also lacking in pointy ears. wtf.
Neat - 6
Shy - 4
Active - 9
Serious: - 4
Grouchy: - 4
Sloppy - 2
Shy - 3
Active - 7
Playful: - 10
Nice: - 10
I think they'll be cute.
The elder three are not impressed by the competition. They step it up to tag-teaming.
They are just as bad, or worse than, the other three.
See this cat?
His name is Oni, and he's going to make some kittens with Plaga.
Plaga: Hoh shit! Is he?
Oni: Hoh shit! Am I?
Oni: *faints*
Plaga: ...
Whatever, on to more important things.
Bennet! He is a severe cutie.
Lizzie is also pretty adorable. <3
And Darcy is totally squishable. Ahhh, I love them.
Pillow fights are the ultimate expression of love. Trufax.
...What's he doing here?
MOTHERFUCK. I had JUST bought the kibble of life and was about to force him to eat it!!
Mogwai: You're not so scary from close up! NOM NOM NOM
Oh, Mogwai, you were my favorite cat ever. Somehow I don't think we've seen the last of you. Thanks for coming back one last time to scare me to fuck. <333
Crnobog: NOOOOOO
Plaga: Hoh shit, what is this thing over my head? SOMEBODY GET IT
Crnobog's time comes the following evening. And then Oni, the big wuss that he is, cracked under the pressure and promptly ran away from home. Damn cats.
I just thought this one was cute ;-;
Ooooh, Bennet. You are swiftly gaining ground in the HeirRace with your bitchiness.
The boys are always playing with each other.
Darcy: :O
No relation. Lizzie: Let's break it down!
Darcy: ...Okay?
Thank goodness. A random nanny called and told us that she'd found Oni.
Chessie: Now you have to stay and procreate.
Oni: *shifty eyes*
Lucky thing, because Plaga wouldn't be able to hack this much longer on her own.
Bing: KITTY!
Plaga: ...DIAF.
And now I leave you with some last-minute cuteness...
(Oni's queue actually read "Sing Along". Didn't know that could happen!)
And that's all for this time!
More in the next installment. :V