The Gallows Legacy 1.0

Jan 26, 2012 02:44

It's... It's been a while, you guys.

Interested in something new?

Warnings: Shortness. 24 pictures. Copious swearing. Copious gay. (<3) General disorganization because I wasn't planning this, okay.

Okay first off guys I just want to say how sorry I am for the state of this post (and the one to follow it).

I got back into Simming again really unexpectedly like, last week (like... eleventy billion years later I went "oh hmm that thing I used to do was a Good Time let me just go reread all the Legacies I used to enjoy OH GOD") and started playing a Legacy house because that's all I can do anymore

and I just

I had to share it because I actually really love writing posts about my legacies. Damn it.

So welcome to the Gallows Legacy. Initial pictures are few and far between; this update is like, 20 images? Because I didn't think I was going to post anything about it WELP SHOWS WHAT I KNOW.

Anyhow. Let's get this train wreck a-rollin'.

Meet our founder, Kazran Gallows.
Why Kazran? Because I'm a Doctor Who fan and fuck you, that's why.

Kazran is one ballin' son of a bitch.

Except that is the exact opposite of what Kazran is. He's the shyest, sweetest, nerdiest, adorable-est (shut up) little girlyboy who worries about everything and their mother.

He probably worries about you. And your mother. When was the last time you called her?

Neat: 7
Outgoing: 1
Playful: 7
Lazy: 1
Nice: 9
TOns: Black hair, make-up | TOff: Vampires

Knowledge: Become Captain Hero

Ahmagaw that little face get over here and I will put you in my pocket and keep you forever


Moving on.


Here's where the jumps that I mentioned start coming in. Kazran needs a babydaddy if this legacy's gonna go anyplace, so we send him Downtown to see if he can find somebody.

And he finds the elf downtownie whom I remember from gen 1 of The Jambon Legacy and ladies, my little inner fan-girl just decided that THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN.

Kazran's neck: *snaps*

Except initially he found Kazran repulsive HOW DOES ONE DO THAT so we have to change some turn-ons. I wasn't "officially" legacy-ing at this point so I had zero qualms about cheating

i still don't really

But after some pillow fights he was pretty much up in Kazran's grill so in he moved.

His name is Mordecai. His last name doesn't matter because he's going to be a Gallows in about 0.0003 sexonds Julia why would you type that seconds.

What an interesting face on this guy. There was very little I could put him in that would make him look decent. WHATEVER, the genetic adventure will be worth any potential fugly outcomes, amirite yes

I don't remember any of his stats other than that he's Romance (lol jeoy) and his LTW was to become a Celebrity Chef. I'll post them with the next update.

I guess having a hotass boyfriend is enough to make anyone want to throw up the horns in celebration.

Because 99.98% of the time Kazran is still like oh no i couldn't possibly tee hee. There is sure to be a menace lurking beneath that angelic exterior.

I'm on to you, fucker.

Two dogs kept wandering onto the lot and in a moment of weakness, I let Kazran adopt them both. This one is Dany, who is a serial snow-eater.

wtf tho. I didn't even know dogs could eat snow. Dany would just go outside in the winter and feast for hours until she got tired or had to piss. what.

This is her counterpart Sake, pictured here partaking in his daily ritual of OMGMAILMANFUUUUU

Kazran: whytf would you do this

You know, considering he was the one who rolled both Wants to adopt them, Kazran doesn't seem too pleased about having to look after them. do i smell foreshadowing yes i do

That is highly likely, Mordecai.


Kazran takes that opportunity to drop to one knee and pop the question because we don't want to forget and have spawn born with the wrong last name like i did later in the legacy fml

What does Mordecai's expression reveal? Genuine surprise? Horror at being a romance sim forced into monogamy? Or pure astonishment that his mousy little boyfriend worked up the nerve to ask in the first place?

Kazran is the cutest cute to ever cute.

Anyway I, uh, kind of sucked here, too, and didn't get a picture of the birth, but Mordecai had a single boy, named Amaretto. I promise I'll do better next time.

Accidental build mode shot that does a fabulous job of displaying that I was able to expand the house after Mordecai moved in. Boy had $$$.

Visible: Mordecai pretending to be a good parent to Amaretto, and Sake actually being the better parent. i made him and Dany have a puppy because of reasons, okay Anyway her name is Cashmere.

Bidoof. I don't trust Mordecai's genes to mesh perfectly with Kazran's so we're going to have at least a couple of kids for back up, just in case.

Kazran: *screams like a rabbit in a trap*
Mordecai: Oh right one second

Mordecai: k what were you saying


Yep. Count them. Four infants. Kazran had fucking quads. Two boys, Cider and Gin, and two girls, Sangria and Whiskey.

Can you guess the naming scheme this generation I bet you can't.

Sorry again about the lack of pictures; it kind of makes this whole post seem really disjointed.

Aaand Mordecai had his baby, a girl named Rum, but I don't have a picture of her birth so here's an image of grown-up Cashmere beating the everloving shit out of a wolf because that's how hardcore she is.

Mordecai had 1 boy named Amaretto.
Kazran had 2 boys named Cider and Gin, and 2 girls named Sangria and Whiskey.
Mordecai had 1 girl named Rum.

So, in total, three girls and three boys. All of them have black hair, elf ears (um, Kazran has elf ears. I totally didn't mention that, did I), and Kazran's lilac eyes. All of them have the same skintone except for Cider, who is a bit darker in skintone than the rest.

And I think that seems like a reasonable place to stop, before everything gets more confusing than it already is.

Ugggh guys, sorry about this disjointed crap of a post. Now that I'm actually legacying, there will be a major effort to take proper pictures and, you know, be funny.

(And I've already played a good chunk of the way into generation 3, so it stands to reason that 2.0 will be up in the next couple of days. Rapture!)

Thanks for reading. Hopefully we'll see you back here again. <3

legacy, gallows legacy

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