(no subject)

Dec 12, 2010 10:47

 hi guyszszszszszzsszsz
if you're still here and reading this then congrats! i must really like you! or you must really like me!

so recent news:

best friend's birthday (December 2nd)
bought a new guitar (November 21st)
yeah that's about it

today my brother turns 21!
he's coming over at 1, assuming that the rain isn't too much to deal with, and he has a pretty busy day so we'll just give him his brownies and perhaps he'll be off


wow i am just so tired all the time.
the play was SUPPOSED to be this past friday, but two of our principle roles (including one lead!) got into huge trouble and the school of course tells us THE DAY BEFORE THE SHOW 
we had no prepared understudy because we're really unprofessional and that was a really bad move on our part
so the two actors can't go onstage and we're all freaking out (except for some jerks in the back of the room who obviously don't take their own drama class seriously and probably took it to get an easy A) and so we end up postponing the play, perhaps until january.
and this really sucks because i was depending on the play to end so i wouldn't have to stay until 9 pm at school doing stage crew so that i could use my new time to apply for internships and scholarships and also 
to study for the SAT's which I'm taking in January.
i can't deal with staying until 9 pm and doing all of the above.

screw it i'm really stressed i have a lot to do and just ughglkasdjhfasd
my grandmother lives with me now, did i mention that?

i also really really miss my sister, she's in iran with my mother right now and apparently they're not in such great health.
i really, really miss her
don't tell her but i've been sleeping in the bottom bunk (where she usually slept) and i guess it's because it feels weird sleeping on the top bunk for some reason


i draw stuff :)

new stuff:
  • my aunt's super pro recording equipment and that is just so exciting i mean really
  • glockenspiel :D
i dreamt last night that there were these edible sea shells in my soup and they were like
made of ice cream and the soup was hot chocolate and it was just really weird but really good at the same time


apparently my mom thinks i sound like Juno because when i speak to her i'm usually really monotone, and my mom hates juno so i guess she hates my mannerisms

i haven't written a new song in forever :( i feel dull, but i can't force something like this.


i keep writing letters.
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