Avatar #31-33

Dec 12, 2006 02:05

Back to Avatar! ^__^

31: The Desert

Hee~~ hallucinating Sokka~~
"Hey, who set Toph on fire?"

So much of this episode was in dark places! And the computer I was watching it on first has a really dark screen so I couldn't see what was happening! X_x It was practically black. The other computer is fine though.

32: The Serpent's Pass

This is loading slower than the other ones... saw recaps at the start and waiting for the rest to download.
Suki is in this episode? And Jet? Double awesome.

And having watched it...


And it sounds like Jet might have turned good-guy? Ambiguous-good but still good. Hopefully.

33: The Drill

Oookay. So Jet's not turning good. Or he might be good in the larger scheme of things but still Not Good so far as our antihero is concerned.

"Team Avatar!"


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