First Whovid!

Sep 05, 2010 23:25

So after a very long hiatus from fanvid making, I've decided to jump right back in by switching fandoms. Yay! The result is a Ten2/Rose fanvid set to Scala and Kolacny Brothers' cover of the song "Heartbeats".

Now, I don't know how long it'll be available on YouTube, given that the song is in copyright, but here it is. It features clips from Journey's End, as well as material from Secret Diary of a Call Girl, Blackpool, Learners, and a bit of Hamlet. Meaning a) there is a bit of angst but the song demands a happy ending, and b) any time you see Sarah Parish or Callum Blue you'll just have to pretend they are Billie Piper and David Tennant. Respectively.

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And in case it vanishes from YouTube, a SendSpace link for downloads:


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