Title: Cameron - A Triptych Fic Author: fated_addiction Pairing: Cameron/Chase, Cameron/House, and gen Cameron with her brother Rating: G Medium: Photoshop, Paint Summary: Cameron and the men in her life
I mean I love how you took three different moments, standing and encompassing at least what I tried to get across about Cameron and her relationships with each man. But my favorite, my favorite is the middle panel - that's insanely gorgeous. I love how quiet it is, but how it holds the weight of how Cameron and her brother are as adults.
I'm so glad you like it! The middle panel is my favorite, too, and I was thinking of just submitting that, but it seemed important to capture something of the...quiet of her relationships with Chase and House, too. Your Cameron seemed beautifully lost for words at times.
Thanks so much :D You've done a great job with the challenge and I'm looking forward to reading your contribution (just as soon as I refresh my memory about the Percussionverse)!
Comments 3
I mean I love how you took three different moments, standing and encompassing at least what I tried to get across about Cameron and her relationships with each man. But my favorite, my favorite is the middle panel - that's insanely gorgeous. I love how quiet it is, but how it holds the weight of how Cameron and her brother are as adults.
Thank you so much! ♥
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