Jul 29, 2005 16:22

So when my friends and I get bored, drunk, or stoned together, we like to come up with fake movie titles, the plots to those movies, and then pick random movie stars to be in the movies. It's quite funny. So yesterday at work my friend and I came up with a classic.

For some reason I thought of this:


"He died so we could live. Now, he lives so they will die!"

Suppose Jesus Christ came back, but not to claim the souls of all believers. Instead, he comes back to kick some alien ass! Here's the twist though. In order for Christ to defeat the evil alien army, he must join forces with a historic nemesis: Judas. That's right! Judas, the one who betrayed Christ into crucifixion. In this movie Judas would be the only soul ever that could decode the cryptic alien code. Jesus and Judas would be well equipped with shotguns, nailguns, and various other holy weapons. The role of Jesus would be played by Jim Caviezel (Passion of the Christ) and that of Judas by Keanu Reeves (The Matrix Trilogy, Constantine).
The alien battle lord Gorlock would be played by screen legend Morgan Freeman (Shawshank Redemption, Batman Begins). This film would be directed by Mel Gibson seeing as he has experience with action films (Lethal Weapon films), working with Christ (The Passion of the Christ), and working with aliens (Signs).

So get your tickets fast . . . !

God save me. . .
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