Nov 12, 2004 21:00
Tonight Ashley and Shandus got me thinking about sisters...
My Sister:
I'm jealous of her outgoing personality. I'm jealous of her mad dancing skills. I'm jealous of the fact that boys always like her. I'm jealous of the fact that she's not afraid of things, like I am most of the time. I'm jealous that she's kissed a boy, I haven't, and she's younger than me.
I remember when we hated each other. We fought all the time. Those were the bad times- when she gave me a bloody nose, tore off my big toenail, and threw biscuits at me when my friends were over. I was just as mean to her; never wanting her around, never sharing anything with her, and ganging up on her with my brother.
I'm not sure exactly how or when things changed. I'm sure it was a gradual process, but it seems like something that happened overnight. It's hard for me to imagine why I didn't want her as a friend. As an accomplice against my parents. As someone to talk to late at night. There are so many good memories now; more then enough to cancel out the bad ones. Memories of builing Barbie houses the size of our entire playroom, house-sitting for my grandparents together, driving to Alabama and listening to seriously old school music the whole time, helping her with her math homework, sharing a love/obsession for EXACTLY the same music, and going random places and having random jokes that no one else could ever understand. Just to name a few.
I love the fact that because of her I will never have to worry about who to choose as my maid of honor. I love how she has always been so open and giving, always allowing me to borrow her clothes even when I was unwilling to return the favor. I love the fact that she loves all the same music as me, I love the way that I can talk to her about anything and she will listen. She will tell me her opinion, even if it isn't what I want to hear. I value that honesty. She understands me in a way that no one else really can, because we come from the same place. She knows that I'm weird and she loves me anyways. She is always there for me, and she will always be my best friend.