More random musings at 9:30 at night.

Oct 06, 2005 21:27

Hm... Here a sit, all broken hearted, came to bitch but i just... wait a second, I've already started a post like this before. Man I'm slipping...

So. There's this really cute girl in three of my EDU courses. After talking with her for the past couple of days, I found out we have some things in commen. We're both scatter brains, we both went to catholic High Schools, we both have the same reasons for wanting to be teachers. Seems like the right match so far. No ring on the finger, no mention of a boy-friend...or girlfriend in our talks. Excellent, excellent... So why can't i bring up the nerve to ask her out?

Know granted, I have alot more confidence in what little charisma i have, as well as my ability to make girls laugh, but yet i still find my self scared shitless when it comes to asking a girl out for coffee. Confusing ain't it?

I guess i still have some relationship hang ups and fears, but not as bad as before. I just have to grow a spine, let my nut sack drop and ask her out. Yep. Next time i see her. On tuesday :)

In other news. Life is fine really. Stressed out about school, and other such nonsense, Games going well, Realms is going well. Other than that slight emotional problem, Life is good.

Later Fishes.
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