While I'm not really prone to mania, its not one of my psychological disorders, I do feel a sense of high coming from today. I do hope that it lasts and can carry me into the weekend.
chibidrunksanzo has joined the diet war I have with
phoenix_melody. In order to make sure that I win, I did some DDR this morning. Tomorrow I plan on running because I want to, more than anything, run a few 5ks this summer.
I have an interview tomorrow, an interview next week, and I had a phone interview this afternoon. The guy on the phone liked me. He called me charming and eloquent. I am determined to make sure that the interviewer tomorrow feels the same. And if the interviewer next week decides to give me the information she promised, then that will be three more people who recognize how awesome I am.
All I need to do now is write my three next drabbles and today will have been a very perfect, very successful day.
Edit @ 334am Friday: Yup. It's mania. Hello insomnia.