So...I have thirty-two hours at work already and its only Wednesday. Even though I went to bed at 930 last night, (and woke up at midnight and back to sleep at 2 and up at 730...)I'm still exhausted. My entire body aches and I'm having to resort to glasses.
When I went back into work yesterday, it was not as bad as Shoe Girl made it out to be. I forget sometimes she's a pot stirrer and tends to blow things out of proportion. She's one of these people that I would not be surprised if she stabbed me in the back, but that's not really the point.
The point is that Greg, Brian, and Leland all recognized that I did something short of amazing by staying until 5am. There is also a communication problem in our office, but I've learned to be less of an emotional spaz about it. Monday night, Leland came in at about 10pm and told me that Brian and Greg really trusted me and valued my work. I almost cried, it was so wonderful to hear.
The project is slowly getting perfect and should be ready for next Tuesday.
Tomorrow night is my night to cook for our dinner group and I'm excited. I'll be making a modified version of
eillwony's chicken rolls (her innards put into a wreath using crescent rolls) with a salad my mom made for Christmas that I really liked. Hopefully it will not be full of epic fail.
I wish I could say that the weekend looms near and I'm excited for it...but I'm slightly worried that I'll have to work on this stupid project on Saturday. I'm also worried that Monday will try to repeat itself next Monday. I need to learn how to say no, but I really don't want to.
I think I'm going to go play DDR for 30 minutes, hop in the shower (where it is WARM! It's freaking COLD outside), write at least 200 words, and then go to bed. Before midnight.