this is a rant, logic has no place

Nov 29, 2007 17:03

This is a very depressing entry. You all know that I'm a spaz. Under the cut is a list of ways my life sucks right now. I know its not a healthy exercise but can't care right now. However, I don't believe in subjecting friends to something this melancholy without warning.

I'm a bit of a drama queen and therefore am incapable of not sharing my angst. ^^;;

I am having one of those weeks where every clean shirt I chose to wear to work has some sort of food stain on it that I don't notice until I'm at work.

I need to go clothes shopping but can't find the time, and I feel guilty always borrowing kabochan's car. I feel even more guilty about the idea of asking someone to come shopping with me. I hate that I always seem to be mooching.

All of my friends will be coming over tomorrow, having fun for a few hours while I will be at the christmas party of doom. I will be there alone, as the boy I asked to come with me told me that it came down to going out with this other girl (who he had not asked out yet) and going to the party with me, he was going to chose the other girl (and he did when he finally asked her). Yes, I did ask first before this girl had any idea that he wanted to spend his friday evening with her.

He outright said I was second choice. Can I say, ouch?

My face is rapidly becoming more and more chapped from the wind burn I suffer due to driving a scooter. It is making me feel fat and ugly.

I haven't been able to come up with anything new to write for over a week.

Thanksgiving at home was wonderful, but I came to the realization that even if I do get a bonus at the christmas party of doom, I will most likely not be able to afford a ticket to go home for Christmas. I won't even be able to afford to start independent study classes until the end of January.

Every day I have to deal with the people Greg refuses to talk to. I just laugh off their stupid, mean, ridiculous comments but its wearing and frustrating. I come home with bad headaches, my body hurts, and I can't sleep more than two hours a time without waking up for an hour in between.

I hate my haircut. Seriously.

Maybe a nap is in order.

rants, christmas, work

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