(no subject)

Jul 05, 2006 11:29

I love my massage table.

A few weeks ago a dear friend allowed me to practice my developing craft.  My apt was terribly hot but I have since implemented the constant use of fans, closed blinds and open windows so my home has taken on a much cooler personality.

Last Sunday I was graced with small child.  My Lovely Queen of Candy Land spent the day with her Dragon.  "Ms Bean," as we affectionately call her, helped me make breakfast, clean up afterwards, painted, bathed, practiced her alphabet, and went to the park.  I somehow seemed to get more done with her around then on my own!  In an effort to keep her from exhuasting me (she's 5), I implemented a scheduled day of activities to keep us in check.  That somehow got me cleaning my home at various intervals and ultimately made me feel like I had accomplished a lot that day.  By the end I was dog-tired, made Ms Bean and her Mum some dinner, and found DrUnKeN KniTiNg!

I now knit.  It rocks.
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