first post || private text, public voice

Dec 12, 2008 23:33


Exorcist Miranda Lotto. PRIORITY: ?
Exorcist Lenalee Lee. PRIORITY: Recuperation.
Exorcist Rabi. PRIORITY: Bookkeeping.
Exorcist Aleister Crowley. PRIORITY: ?
Exorcist Allen Walker. PRIORITY: Not Road Camelot.
Exorcist Kanda Yuu. PRIORITY: A better personality.
General Cross Marian. PRIORITY: Not spending funds on useless whores harlots ...

Noah Road Camelot. NOTES: Once a brat, always a brat. I see what you're doing.
Noah Tyki Mikk. NOTES: ... very suave.

Tesla. NOTES: Road Camelot.
Sabaku no Gaara. NOTES: Road Camelot.
Kurosaki Ichigo. NOTES: Road Camelot.


Seems like there's always something to do in this City, wanted or unwanted. Though, how odd that the ticking would stop after being so persistent for as far as the archives go.

Of course, there's a bigger picture to take into consideration. But first thing's first: Is it us or is it them?

My money's on the latter.

taking notes and saving the world, allen you harlot, hives in 3... 2... 1..., i... am not a stalker, how much for the snowcrotch, laa dee daa *flips skirts*

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