Every second [Mitchell, Lauren]

May 04, 2011 20:49

Prompt: Any Fandom, Any pairing, admit it you loved every second.
Fandom: Being Human
Pairing: Mitchell/Lauren
Written following a prompt from the Darkfest 2011

Every second
She kisses him once more, lips and tongue and saliva, and she's hot, she's warm and she smells good, and there's the sound of blood pounding and a heart, and he bites before thinking, he bites and tastes the liquid and fuck, it feels so good, it feels so right. It's what he needed, what he didn't want. Sorry, Lauren, he thinks. So, so sorry.
And that's the moment he wakes up, of course. Once he has killed her, once he has the taste of her blood and the smell of her skin, once he's lost his battle again. He's sweating and trembling, and he just wishes not to dream. Just tonight. Just for once. Not to see her, eyes devoid of emotion, of life, hanging, falling against him, a broken doll.
It hurts. It hurts, because he was doing it, he had managed for so long and then she had to come along and she was pretty and nice and why, why does he always fuck it up. Why do you have to destroy everything you touch, John Mitchell.
Lauren's funeral will be held soon. There's going to be quite a lot of people, he thinks, because she was well-liked, she was friendly and had a family. Parents, maybe a brother or sister. A life.
Now, she has nothing. Or, if it worked -he wishes it didn't, but who knows-, she has something much worse.
He thinks about going to her funeral for a brief moment, thinks about paying his respects and going, telling people he's from the hospital, that he knew her and she was beautiful and perfect, that she didn't deserve to die. That he would have given anything for her to stay alive -but who does he think he's kidding. He wouldn't. It was fine, it was nice, it was exactly everything that part of him wanted, needed. It was that feeling of power, of being in charge, for once, the feeling of being able to control his own life, even if it was just an illusion. He should have told her, before she drank from him. Be careful, Lauren. Be careful, because the hunger, the thirst, will drive you mad. You will drink, you will kill. And you will love every second of it.
Just like he did.

c: john mitchell, f: being human (uk), darkfest, c: lauren (bh)

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