Since I'm starting a rewatch, I thought I'd screencap and recap this all the way through. More fun that way, eh?
Okay, so we start with Long Ma arriving off the plane, but his silly dad isn't there. Flashback to last year's competition where Qing Xue lost against Bing Di...In the present, Long Ma's dad is on the phone to his mother about to leave to pick up Long Ma but grabs the tv remote not his mobile on the way out, and then has taxi/ traffic issues. So Long Ma, fed up of waiting, goes to Qing Xue himself on the subway...
(Insert terrified Xiao Ying/Sakuno who has her painting hit out of her hands by the idiots swinging rackets)
(Insert the bit on the train where he corrects stupid-guy's Western/Eastern grip error)
And then we've forgotten his name already. All I remember is his family name. Anyway, he's the mix of the Ichinen trio. It's kinda nice!
Potential (sexual) tension there, I see...
Naturally the first thing we hear from the regulars (walking in on Hai Tang/Kaidoh 'having a match with' Long Ma) is about Ju Wan / Eiji's 'stamina' hah)
Then they notice Hai Tang is 'getting serious' about Long Ma. Also. Just me or did they seem to pair themselves off here? Golden Pair, obviously (nawww, look how close they are!), Zhou Zhu (Fuji) and Zhen Zhi (Inui) (a bit O.o when you think about their Japanese counterparts, but I guess Fuji and Inui could bond through juice or something. *snerk* they could trade juices. You could totally make a case for pairing Zhou Zhu and Zhen Zhi though. Except it'd be like... ZZZZ XD) And at the end there, Tao Cheng Wu (Momo) and Xiao Long (Kawamura). In a threesome with Hai Tang or something.
Actually, you know what?Zhou Zhu / Zhen Zhi? I'd call it 'Zhen Zhu' for the saying. Err...the saying that I'm not sure if I can translate. /fail (It's something about even 'zhen zhu' aren't this 'zhen' (real)...I always assumed it meant 'zhu' as in pig...but now I realise it could be pearl too..) I guess if you did it in classic Tenipuri fashion though, this would make it 'Pearl' pair. Is there a Pearl Pair already?
I kinda want to replace that chip with a plane...
Oh yeah, forgot to mention this ship. Guo Guang (Tezuka, as if that weren't obvious by the assigning of laps and the glasses) / Hai Tang. Also: Note the Golden Pair. And Zhou Zhu's expression. Poor guy is obviously totally jealous of Hai Tang and in love with Guo Guang.
He's just ruthless about those laps.
No really. Golden Pair. Get a room you two! Preferably with a camera...
Now. When Tezuka assigns laps, it's around a tennis court. When Guo Guang assigns laps? It's around this...
Note the lyric, lol, masochist.
And yeah, he'll stand around timing you while you run.
Although I really think he should have been running with them...
Why do these...
remind me of a certain scene in Shinpuri 7?
Maybe my mind's just constantly stuck in the gutter?
Yeah. Scream out Ju Wan's name. Go on...
Also, nawww Zhou Zhu hands the water Guo Guan passes him to his brother first. ^_^
Guo Guang is awesome. Hai Tang askes for permission to speak his mind but makes him promise that he won't give him laps again. So Guo Guang agrees, promises and then when Hai Tang is done...
Oh buchou! You sneaky sneaky thing. (How can you not be smirking when saying this?)
Introducing...the cat that steals the show. Or the scene, at least.
Nawww, kitty is eating on the table with them! Also, random thing...if the father is Long Zheng Nan, and the son is Long Ma...isn't that the equivalent of just calling your son 'Horse'? No wonder Long Ma doesn't like him much...Long Ma's not a leftie in this, is he?
Accidental shipping. Awks. Let's just cut to the dorm room now and distract you from the incest with some orgies.
Everyone in this room is a Zhou Zhu fanboy. Also. Note the beginning of Ju Wan's tendency to break into song. (Although I can't tell if it's Hai Tang or Da Shi that joins in with him)
then everyone is satisfied, right? Nobody can win against Zhou Zhu? His 'tennis' is that good?
Zhou Zhu: Oh, stop it you guys...
...and you all know what that means! 'Teammates' who need to 'practice' together oh yes.
Hai Tang and Ju Wan start a pillow fight across the top bunks...Over who gets to 'practice' with Zhou Zhu first. Although considering Ju wan is already on top of Da Shi...
And then the bunk beds shake.
And then there's a black out.
(no really. What is Hai Tang doing?!)
And then Zhen Zhi freaks.
Now how are we going to practice tonight?!
Zhou Zhu freaks.
Oh, what a shame. Looks like I'll just have to collect more data then. Also: evidence that Ju Wan tops. Never thought you'd see Eiji topping Oishi, eh?
...I am intruiged at the door at the other end of their room. Also wondering who's room this is since there are five of them and four beds...and this is before there are suddenly two more beds in the dorm. I think it's most likely Ju Wan / Da Shi and Zhen Zhi / Zhou Zhu. Which means Hai Tang and Guo Guang are probably sharing... (Xiao Long lives at home. He's left out of the orgies..)
..w-what are you doing here? Phew. Lucky we didn't start already.
Did you want to join us? Or is Xiao Peng just annoying you? (Xiao Peng snuck into the male dorm to get an interview from the tennis team about their sexcapades the match Hai Tang played against Long Ma)
Also, he doesn't like being called Zhou Zhu's younger brother...but he doesn't mind Zhou Zhu calling him 'Xiao Yu'... Ii data... (Although really, I don't know what else he'd call him, if 'Zhou' is thier last name.)
Xiao Peng askes Zhou Zhu for an interview and he manages to foist her off onto Hai Tang instead.
And Ju Wan has fun spilling all the beans.
Until he spots Guo Guang coming (*snerk*) and freezes. Hai Tang too. They're in trouble now~
Yes Guo Guang. Everyone to your room for 'a meeting'. I don't even need to recaption these...
SHIPPED. (Although Xiao Ying and Long Ma are really cute together too. I know, I know. Het, what is this fuckery!?)
Also, we find out Xiao Peng is a Guo Guang and Zhou Zhu fangirl. Also, she called Guo Guang an 'ice mountain'...
Gratuitous training shot. Also, the giant tennis posters.
Everyone is amused that Tao Cheng Wu is being told to stay at home -er school - while the rest of them go off to a friendly match. They then proceed to tease him behind the coach's back. Also, I don't know what Ju Wan is doing here, but it looks like he's mimicking Zhen Zhi.
So sulking, he goes off to those private indoor courts that only the Regulars are allowed to use - for training, of course.
No, Tao Cheng Wu... you're NOT as 'easy' as Hai Tang.
And that brings us to the end of episode 1!