Umm...well firstly, sorry to the people I gave questions to before. Since I only gave you five questions in a seven question meme. OTL I fail. Feel free to keep asking questions of me / keep asking for questions if you want though. Let's make this ENDLESS, MUHAHAHAHA.
Questions from fleuraelis )
2. Well no, saggy boobs don't. Bikinis do.
3. Well, Tezuka might protest, but I'm sure Fuji will see how useful tentacles can be. All in the name of training you see. We need to find the Tezuka Zone, and then onwards to the release of Muga no Kyochi.
4. Yes. Guilty. Heh. Although a large part of my love for that series stems from an RP with Minae that basically took over our lives.
5. If you do read A Little Princess and like it, I'd reccommend The Lost Prince as a followup to it. I have a theory it all falls into the same arc - a conclusion to ideas that were brought up in A Little Princess. Not sure where Secret Garden fits, if at all. Little Lord Fauntleroy I can see though. maybe recommending The Lost Prince directly after Little Princess is wrong then..
Thief of Time though, is a book I can read again and again and still find things I didn't notice the other times. Mainly this is because the first time I read it, I was 12... It's also my most battered book, because it was the only book I had with me on three weeks in China/Japan. Well, that and Dracula but that's not so easy a read for planes/buses.
6. Except now I have Ran Mao in my head going 'Waaakameee' and waving her arms appropriately. Oh, Kuro.
7. It's more a lack of bakeries in the area than anything else. >_> But yes. Both of them! Baker's Delight! Waaannnt!
I have one icon space free. And it's sitting there waiting for a TezuFuji one to come my way.
2. Again, I'm not sure how. Unless it's the Houkago strip with that statue of him in speedos.
3. In that case, the Pinnacle of Perfection takes on a whole new different meaning. So does Zero-Shiki Drop Shot. Is there anything that can't be made into an innuendo in Tenipuri?
5. From a certain wiki somewhere, The Lost Prince explains the magic better? I might as well read all of them, because there's quite a lack of good fantasy books in my list. As for Thief of Time, there was a memorable quote in there somewhere involving fishes and it makes me want to read it all the more. Pratchett's books are like that ♥
6. Ran Mao is sexy. Ran Mao plus tentacles plus a lawnmower - I'll have to get back to you on that.
7. Lack of bakeries? /gasps. How do you survive?
3. Oh yes it does. I'm not sure how Zero Shiki fits in though. There's something in Tenipuri that can't be made into an innuendo? Blasphemy!! I particularly like how the Golden Pair achieve 'Synchro'
5. Yeah, basically. I remember reading it and going 'wow, that just completely redefinied the magic.' Except that when I went to type that, I started thinking in lyrics. Something has change inside me, something is not the same.
7. Yes. I knoowwww. And the few bakeries that do exist aren't all that good...
Can I ask you questions? :P
3. Oh, Zero Shiki. No, it's just whenever I hear the word 'shot'... Like in Pokemon, the move String Shot but a helluva dirtier And in episode 3, they have united their minds :DDD
5. Wow. Now I wanna read it more so I guess I'll bump it right to the top of my to-read-list.
7. Aww D: /patspats
Please do ♥
5. Ehh..I should not be singing it's praises. You'll go in expecting too much from it. Heh. ^_^"
Okay! Questions!
1. Rec me some TezuFuji fic! (Or hey, any memorable Tenipuri fic...) Lol, I wrote that as 'tezufuji fuck' and then 'fick'. Heh.
2. Which move or phrase in Tenipuri do you think is the most innuendo-filled?
3. What's your favourite flavour of Pocky?
4. How many languages do you know?
5. Ran Mao is chasing after you with a lawnmower and tentacles. What do you do?
6. Go to the bakery for a snack. What do you buy?
7. A member of Tenipuri makes a contract with a demon butler. Who, and what for?
I'll get to the questions immediately ♥
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