This is absolutely unacceptable

Sep 28, 2008 20:22

Children gassed at the Islamic Society of Greater Dayton as parents prayed at Ramadan services. This occurred after millions of the DVD, Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West were distributed in major newspapers and through the U.S. mail.

This blog post appears to suggest that the distribution of the film falls into political territory because
The presidential campaign edition of the Obsession DVD, currently being distributed by the Clarion Fund, carries the endorsement of the chair of the counter-terrorism department of the U.S. Naval War College, using the name and authority of an official U.S. military institution not only to validate an attack the religion of Islam, but to influence a political campaign.

Note: I do not do not fully agree with the post referenced directly above, in that it calls for McCain to explicitly denounce this terrorist attack against children on American soil. I think it is a bit of a stretch to recommend that every time a wacko influenced by propaganda and rhetoric does something heinous and unconscionable, the campaign it is supposed to "benefit" get involved. That would imply that the campaign has something to do with it, and I'm not sure it truly applies here.


I post this to highlight the dangers of anti-Muslim propaganda and to point out the racism and, yes, the terrorism our own citizens are perpetrating in the name of our country. How is it that certain individuals have completely failed to understand that there are bad people of all religions: Christian, Jewish, Muslim, and all the rest? Why is it ok to wage war against people who have done us no harm? Is it simply the violence incited by this material within the Obsession film? Why is this coming up on the eve of a political election, an election campaign during which one major party used footage of 9/11 for political benefit?

Because of the last two questions, in particular, one cannot fully separate the political aspects from the hate directed at these people. This has happened before on US soil, frequently since 9/11, and often by surrogates or members of the Republican party. It doesn't matter who perpetrates such violence, but it must be considered a racist and terrorist attack against a large segment of the population, and the full weight of law brought against those who would do this.

I also post this in the hopes that this will be distributed, that such attacks against our fellow Americans (and, I have no doubt that those children are American citizens) will be tried in the court of public opinion and condemned. I apologize if I am less than cogent. I'm having a hard time channeling my disgust into words.


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